near 用法1 (near/near to)

問:near 用法與near to 有何區別?

答:當表示空間上的接近時, near 用法與near to 可任意選用。例如:

  1. She was sitting near (to) me.
  2. She was sitting nearer (to)/nearest(to) me.
    她坐得離我近一些/ 離我最近。

但是, 當表示非空間的接近, 而作“ 幾乎”(nearly) 解時, 則to 是不可省略的, 即必須用near to。例如:

  1. He is near to (being) mad.
  2. I came very near to hitting him.
  3. She came near to killing him.


Cyril escaped being caught because _______.
A. no one was nearer from the door than he
B. he was nearby to the door
C. the door was nearest to him ore than the others
D. the was the one nearest the door

near 用法2 (near to/close to)

問:near to 和close to 中的to 可否省略?

答:表示空間上接近的near to 中的to 可以省略, 而close to 中的to 卻是不可省略的。

  1. She was sitting near (to)/nearer (to)/nearest (to) me. (vs close to/closer to/closest to me.)
    她坐得離我很近/ 離我近一些/ 離我最近。
  2. His opinion is very near my own; it’s nearer (to) my own than any other.
    他的看法跟我的很相近; 比誰的都接近。
  3. He drew a chair near but not close to her, and sat on it in silence.
    他把椅子挪近她, 但不是離得很近, 然後靜靜地坐下來。

near 用法3 (near to/next to)

問:“Where is she sitting?” “She is sitting _______ me.”
A. near to
B. next by
C. next
D. next to
答案為D。這無疑是正確的。但是為什麼不能選A 呢?

答:從文法結構上看, 選A 也是正確的。有的託福教程說,“near to 指的是‘向⋯⋯靠近’,‘不是具體接近’, 因此, 選A 在文法結構上也是錯誤的”。這恐怕不符合英語的實際。請看下面的實例:

She was sitting near (to) me.

由此看來, 上面的試題, 作為文法結構試題並不是完美無缺的。

near 用法4 (nearby/near)

問:nearby 用法與near 有什麼區別?

答:nearby 用法與near 雖都可以用作形容詞, 但nearby 只能用作形容詞, 不能用作述語。另外, nearby 用作形容詞時, 既可放在中心詞之前, 也可放在中心詞之後。

  1. All the hotels in the town were full up so we stayed in a ______village.
    A. close
    B. neighbour
    C. near
    D. nearby
  2. The couple had lived in this house for a long time and Hadley lived in another _________.
    A. house nearby
    B. near house
    C. facing-house
    D. hose in the way



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