every 用法 1 (every + 抽象名詞)

問:There is every prospect of success.
這裡的every 用法是作“每一個”解嗎?

答:every 用法與抽象名詞連用時常常表示“巨大的”、“充分的”、“一切可能的”、“完全的”:

  1. She had every reason to be pleased. 她有充分的理由感到高興。
  2. He gave us every encouragement. 他給了我們巨大的鼓勵。
  3. There is every prospect of success. 完全有成功的希望。
  4. I have every intention of coming back. 我極想回來。

every 用法 2 (every fifth)

問:Five years ago Premier Chou En-lai promised to send me an invitation to visit China every fifth year until I was two hundred! (許國璋編《英語》(三), p.165)
[原譯] 五年前, 周恩來總理答應說, 每隔五年邀請我來中國訪問一次, 直到我200 歲。
有人說, every fifth year 應譯為“每隔四年”。究竟哪個譯法符合原意呢?

答:首先應指出, 中國内地各種辭書對every three (four, five) days (weeks, months, years) 和every third(fourth, fifth) day (week, month, year) 的譯法是不同的。

  1. 《英語慣用法大辭典》: every three weeks 或every third week 作“每隔三個星期”解。
  2. 《英漢大辭典》: Take a pill every three hours.每隔三小時吃一粒藥。
  3. 《新英漢辭典》: receive an injection every three days (或every third day) 每三天打一針
  4. 《英華大詞典》: every four days = every fourth day 每隔三日, 每逢第四日

我們可以這樣來研究這個有關every 用法的問題:

  • every other line (day) = 每隔一行(每隔一天), 即每第二行(每逢第二天)
  • every third line (day) = 每隔二行(每隔二天), 即每第三行(每逢第三天)
  • every fourth line (day) = 每隔三行(每隔三天), 即每第四行(每逢第四天)
  • every fifth line (da y) = 每隔四行(每隔四天), 即每第五行(每逢第五天)

由此可以證明, every fifth day (year) = 每隔四天(年) 或每逢第五天(年) 或每五天(年), 以此類推。

every 用法 3 (every…and (every man and woman is/are))

問:“Is it a message of importance?”
“Yes, it is a message of importance for every man and woman who _______.”
A. vote
B. vote
C. voting
D. are vote
every man and woman 充當主詞時其動詞用單數, 還是用複數?

答:在正式英語裡, every man and wowan 的動詞仍需用單數, 如同each…and 一樣(參見each 用法: eachand) 。

every 用法 4 (every ten minutes)

問:(a) Every man working there knew me.
(b) There are buses to the station every ten minutes.
every 作限定詞時, 應與單數名詞連用[如句(a)], 為什麼句(b) 中的every 卻能與複數名詞連用?

答:every ten minutes (每10 分鐘) 的含義是任何學英語的學生都能理解的。但是, 為什麼every 能與複數名詞連用, 卻不是每個英語教師能解釋清楚的。原來, 英語文法中有一條規則: 限定詞應與所修飾的名詞(中心詞) 在數上相一致, 如this (that, a, every, each) man, these (those) men, 但是, 當限定詞與表示度量的名詞片語連用時, 限定詞與其所修飾的名詞(中心詞) 在數上常常有不一致的情況。例如: this (that, a, every, each, another) ten dollars, 類似的例子:

  1. I go there every three days.
  2. The American people elect a president every four years.

every 用法 5 (every time)

問:Every time I meet him, he tries to borrow money from me.
如何分析上句中的every time 的文法功能?

答:如同each time, the moment, the minute, the second 一樣, every time 也可直接用作從屬連接詞, 引導時間副詞子句。例如:

  1. Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.
    我每次聽你的勸告, 都會遇到麻煩。
  2. I’ll think of it every time I listen to music.
    我每次聽音樂, 都會想到它。

(參見each time, the moment)

every 用法 6 (every…he(she) / they)

問:every + 單數名詞作主詞時, 其代名詞可使用they(their) 嗎?

答:按照學校文法, 應當採用every + 單數名詞…he (she) 的用法。但是, 英語語言學家目前已普遍承認every + 單數名詞…they(their) 用法的正確性:

  1. When every man had assembled, the master paid them their wages.
    大家集合齊了之後, 雇主給他們發了工資。
  2. Every member brings their own lunch.
  3. I told every student what I thought of them.

(參見each 用法)

every 用法 7 (every other/ each other)

問:I have classes _____ day, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
A. each other
B. every other
C. this and the other
D. all other
each other 與every other 有何區別?

答:each other 一般用作受詞或副詞, 作“彼此”、“互相”解。而every other 則用作形容詞, 作“每隔一”解:

  1. Write only on every other line. 請隔行寫。
  2. The postman came every other day to our village. 郵差每隔一天來我村送信。



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