that 用法(conj.)  1 (目的? 結果?)

問:We eat that we may live.
There must be something wrong that he hasn’t arrived yet.
這兩個that 子句都是結果子句嗎?

答:從屬連接詞that 用法既可以引導結果副詞子句, 也可以引導目的副詞子句。如何區分?
一是根據句子的內容, 二是根據子句動詞的語氣。結果子句大都不需要情態動詞, 而目的子句大都採用情態動詞或採用假設語氣(may, might, should, be) 。

  1. He must have hurt your feelings that you were so angry with him. (結果) 他肯定是傷害了你的感情, 所以你才對他生那麼大的氣。
  2. They are not destitute that they need your help. (結果) 他們還沒有貧困到需要你説明的程度。
  3. He is keeping quiet that he may not disturb his father. (目的) 他保持安靜, 以免打擾他的父親。
  4. He died that others might live. (目的) 他犧牲了, 為的是讓別人能活下去。

(參見so3 , so13 )

that(conj.)  2 (引導原因副詞子句)

問:連接詞that 能引導原因副詞子句中嗎?

答:在下面提到的特殊語序中, that 用法和as 一樣, 可以引導原因副詞子句。

  1. Clumsy idiot that he was, Michael completely ruined the dinner. (由於) 邁克爾是個笨拙的白癡, (所以) 他把這次宴會完全給攪了。
  2. Fool that he was, he hadn’t even sense enough to see that he was beaten. 他那麼傻, 甚至沒有意識到他已被擊敗了。
  3. Fool that I was, I believed every word he said. 我是那麼傻, 竟然相信了他所說的每一句話。

請注意, 這種句型亦可用來表示讓步, 見as15 , that(conj.)3 。

that(conj.)  3 (引導讓步副詞子句)

問:Fool that he was, he managed to evade his pursuers.
請問這裡的that 是否系as 之誤?

答:that 和as, though 一樣, 在上面的特殊語序中, 都可以用來表示讓步。類似的例子:

  1. Poor that they were, they gave money to charity. 儘管他們很窮, 但是他們還是出了錢來行善。
  2. Apt Scholar that he was, they were equally apt teachers, never allowing him to linger long in error. 儘管他是個聰明的學生, 然而他們卻是同樣聰明的教師, 他們從不讓他長期錯下去。
  3. Child that he was, he knew what was the right thing to do. 儘管他是個孩子, 但他還是知道該做什麼事。
  4. Fool that he was, he managed to evade his pursuers. 儘管他很笨, 但是他還是設法擺脫了追捕他的人。
  5. Cold that it is, the children play outdoors. (雖然) 天氣那麼冷, 孩子們還在戶外玩。

that(conj.)  4 (引導單獨使用的不規則的句子)

問:That I should live to see such ingratitude!

答:這種單獨使用的句型可以理解為省略了主句的子句, 其語意特點是: 表示驚訝或願望:

  1. That he should have left without asking me! 他竟然沒有問我就離開了!
  2. That he should act so rudely toward you! 他對你竟然這樣粗魯!
  3. Oh that I could fly! 我要是能飛就好了!that(conj.)  5 (引導形容詞補語子句)

問:(1) I’m glad you have been assigned such as task.
(2) I am sorry that you’re ill.
你病了, 我很難過。
上面的(that) 子句應歸到哪類子句中去?

答:中國内地有些英語文化著作, 如張道真教授編著的《實用英語文化》(1995 年修訂版, p.604), 把上面的(that) 子句分析為原因副詞子句:

I’m glad you have been assigned such a task. = I’m glad because you have been as signed such a task.

另一些英語文化著作, 如薄冰教授主編的《高級英語文化》(高等教育出版社, 1994年, p.755) 則把上面的(that) 子句分析為原因副詞子句。

上面兩種分析方法雖然都有其適當理由, 但是, 把上面的(that) 子句分析為形容詞的補語子句似乎更有說服力。因為形容詞(glad, sorry,…) + that 子句是一個特殊類型的結構, 既不同於一般的動詞+ 原因副詞子句結構, 也不同於一般的動詞+ 原因副詞子句結構。把形容詞(或分詞) + that 子句看作單獨的句型, 不僅更能反映語言的實質, 而且更有利於教學。這種句型的特點是: 主詞大都是表人的, 而形容詞或分詞大都是表示人的感情或思想狀態的。例如: afraid, anxious, aware, angry, confident, convinced, eager, glad, grateful, happy, hopeful, proud, sad, sorry, thankful, amazed, amused, annoyed, astonished, depressed, disappointed, distressed, disturbed, horrified, irritated, lucky, pleased, shocked, sure, surprised, upset。

Jim was very popular with those who could vote, and he was ________ that he could win the election.
A. confident
B. adequate
C. cordial
D. sensitive
(參見sure (glad) that)

that(conj.)  6 (主詞子句中的that 能否省略?)

問:It’s a pity you don’t know Russian.
you…Russian 是個什麼子句? 為什麼沒有連接詞?

答:大家都知道, 副詞子句和述語子句中的連接詞that 在非正式語體中是可以省略的。
主詞子句中的that 能否省略呢? 當主詞子句位於句尾, 而用it 來做它的形式主詞時, that 是可以省略的, 如你所提供的例句。再如:

It seems unlikely [     ] she will refuse the offer.

但是, 應注意, 當主詞子句位於句首時, 是不能省略that 的。

that(conj.)  7 (述語子句中的that 能否省略?)

問:Yet the fact is we know every little about gorilla. (New Concept English, Book 4, L.5)
…we know…gorillas 是什麼子句? 為什麼沒有連接詞?

答:…we know…gorillas 是個述語子句。這裡省略了連接詞that。述語子句中的that被省略是否“合文法”呢? 讓我們引用權威英語文化著作CGE L 的說法作為回答:

When the that-clause is direct object or complement, the conjunction that is frequently omitted except in formal use, leaving zero that-clause…”(p.1049)
“當that 子句充當直接受詞或述語(主詞補語) 時, 連接詞that 常常省略, 結果形成零that 的子句, 但是正式用法除外⋯⋯”

  1. All I can tell you is [    ] he gives me the creeps every time I pass him. 我能告訴你的, 就是每當我從他身旁走過時, 他總是令我毛骨悚然。
  2. The reason was [    ] he was afraid. 原因是他害怕了。

that (conj.)  8 (引導同位語子句)

appositive clause, that (adv.) 2

that(conj.)  9 (同位子句中的that 能否省略?)

問:And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there. (復旦大學編文理科本科用《大學英語》精讀第二冊第9 單元)
如何分析He had something there?

答:he had something there 是an uneasy feeling 的同位語子句。這裡省略了連接詞that。由此例可以看出, 在非正式語體中, 同位語子句中的that 有時是可以省略的。但是, 應當注意, 這種省略連接詞that 的情況主要是出現在口語中:

  1. I have a feeling that the work is too hard. 我覺得這工作太艱難了。
  2. I have a feeling that she isn’t telling the truth. 我覺得她沒有說實話。
  3. I have a feeling [      ] we’re being followed. 我覺得我們正在被人跟蹤。

that(conj.)  10 (not that I know of)

問:“Has Smith been ill?” “Not that I know of.”(= I’m not aware of his having been ill.) (史密斯病了嗎? – 我一點也不曉得。) (錢歌川編著《英文疑難詳解續篇》, 香港中外出版社, p.281)
上句中的Not that I know of 我認為並不是指“我一點也不曉得”, 而是指“據我所知, 他沒有病”。不知我的譯法對否?

答:你的譯法是正確的。上面的that 子句叫做限制性副詞子句。這裡的that 用法相當於as far as (就⋯ ⋯而言), 但是只能位於句末, 而且主句總是否定的。讓我們參考一下英英詞典的解釋:

  1. “Note also the phrase not that I know of, used as a qualified negative, meaning ‘not as far as I know.’
    I saw the doctor come out of the house next door to you this morning. Is there someone ill there?
    Not that I know of.” (F.T.Wood: English Prepositional Idioms, p.327)
  2. You say “Not that I know of when someone asked you whether or not something is true and you think is “no”, but you cannot be sure because dont know all the facts.

A: Was nobody else there?
B: Not that I know of.
甲: 那裡沒有別人嗎?
乙: 據我所知沒有。(《英漢大詞典》, p.1804)

that(conj.)  11 that/ so that1

問:that 和so that 用法都能引導目的副詞子句, 不知它們的區別何在?

答:由that 引導的目的副詞子句屬正式語體, 帶有古語體的痕跡。

  1. Christ died, that we might live. 耶穌死了, 為的是讓我們活著。
  2. Man does not live that he may eat, but eats that he may live. 人不是為了吃飯而活著, 而是為了活著而吃飯。
  3. Let us fight on, that the light of just ice and freedom may not die in our land. 讓我們繼續戰鬥下去, 以便正義和自由的光芒不會在我們的國土上消失。

(參見so4 )

that(conj.)  12 that/ so that2

問:下面一段話引自《朗文英語正誤詞典》(安徽科技出版社, p.406 ; 上海譯文出版社, p.331)

“【錯】 He closed the door quietly that nobody would hear him.
【對】He closed the door quietly so that nobody would hear him.
說明: 用so that 表示目的, 單獨that 不行(p.406) 。”

但是, 我卻讀到過這樣的句子: She did it that he might go free. 這不是表明that 可以引出目的副詞子句嗎?

答:說that 絕對不能引出目的副詞子句, 是不準確的。但是that 引出目的副詞子句, 顯得異常正式, 因此用得比較少。但也不是絕無僅有(參見so4 ):

  1. I tell you this that you may not shrink from the responsibility. 我把這事告訴你, 讓你不要推卸責任。
  2. Bring it closer that I may see it better. 把它拿近一些, 好讓我看清楚點。
  3. They have died that liberty might live. 他們死了, 為的是自由能夠存在。

“This is an interesting Picasso painting.” “Would you please hold it up ______ it?”
A. that everyone should see
B. that everyone can see
C. so everyone can see
D. for everyone to be seeing

that(conj.)  13 that/ so…that


that 用法(adv.) 1

問:We left the day that he arrived. 請問句中的that 是什麼詞?

答:上面的that 可以看作是關係副詞(R. Quirk 等把它稱作“作副詞的關係代名詞”) 。這種用法的that 用來引導形容詞子句並在形容詞子句中充當副詞。它所修飾的名詞常常是day, year, time, moment, speed, way, reason, place, direction, distance 等等:

  1. I stay at home on the days that I am not busy. 我工作不忙的日子就呆在家裡。
  2. He went home the same evening that he heard the news. 他聽到這消息的那個晚上就回家了。
  3. During the years that he had been in the army, he got acquainted with her. 他是在部隊的那幾年裡認識她的。
  4. I can’t think of many places in the word that I would like to live. 我想不出世界上會有許多地方是我願意居住的。
  5. He spoke in such a way that they were offended. 他以那樣一種口吻說話, 把他們都得罪了。
  6. The reason that they didn’t go to see the house is that they prefer to live in an apartment. 他們沒有去看那所房子的原因是他們願意住公寓房。
  7. The direction that a force is acting can be changed. 力的作用方向是可以改變的。

(參見way1 )

that(adv.) 2 the reason that

問:(1) He heard that news that his team had won.
(2) The fact that the prison was guilty was plain to everybody.
(3) Is this the reason that they came?
上面三個句子裡的that 子句都是同位語子句嗎?

答:在句(1) 、(2) 中that 子句為同位語子句, 其中that 用法為連接詞, 在子句中不充當任何句子成分。而句(3) 則不同。其中的that 子句是限制性形容詞子句, that 是關係副詞, 在子句中充當副詞。中國内地有的英語教科書把the reason that (why) 與the fact that 和the news that 完全等同起來, 是不妥當的。請分析下面句子裡that (why) 子句的含義:

  1. That’s the reason why she spoke. 這就是她講話的原因。
  2. The reason why I’m writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday. 我給你寫信(的原因) 是想告訴你關於週六聚會的事。
  3. The reason why we are late is that our car did not come. 我們來晚的原因是我們的汽車沒有來。

(參見attributive clause/ appositive clause)

that(adv.) 3

問:“It takes me just twenty minutes to reach the city from here.” “Do you really drive ________?”
A. as fast
B. that fast
C. with such fastness
D. fast like that
正確答案為B(that fast) 。但不知that 的詞性和詞義。

答:that 在口語中可以用作程度副詞來代替so 或very(那麼, 這麼, 很, 非常):

  1. The roads were that icy! 這路上結這麼多冰!
  2. There were two thousand people in the theatre. I didn’t expect it to be that full. 劇院裡有兩千人, 我真沒料到會有那麼多。
  3. How could she sing that well after only one lesson? 她只上了一次課, 怎麼會唱得這麼好?

that(adv.) 4

強調句中的that 能用when 代替嗎?
cleft sentence2

that(adv.) 5 the way that/ the way in which


that(adv.) 6 that/ when1

問:(1) I recognized him at the first moment I saw him.
(2) We liked each other from the first instant we met.
(3) It was full dawn by the time he reached the road.
斜體部分與前面的名詞是什麼關係? 如果是形容詞子句, 那麼其間省略了什麼詞語?

答:可以認為在名詞中心詞與形容詞子句之間省略了關係副詞that 或when。實際上, 也可以不省略這個that 或when:

  1. All the first time that I saw him, I recognized him. 第一次看到他, 我就認出了他。
  2. I sent you the news from the first instant that I heard it. 我一聽到這個消息, 就寄給了你。
  3. At the first moment that he had said it he knew what mistake he had made. 他剛一說出了這件事, 就知道他犯了一個什麼樣的錯誤。
  4. There have been moments in history when remarkable progress was made in relatively short periods of time. 歷史上有過這樣的時候: 在相當短的時期內取得了驚人的進步。

that(adv.) 7 that/ when2

問:It was between 1830 and 1835 _______ the modern newspaper was born.
A. when
B. that
C. which
D. because
書上給的答案為that, 但是, 我認為也可以選when, 因為先行詞是時間詞。

答:在形容詞子句中雖然也可以使用關係副詞when 或where, 但是在強調句型中強調副詞時, 通常使用關係副詞that, 而不使用when 或where。例如:

  1. ________that Stephen Crane wrote The Red Badge of Courage.
    A. In New York
    B. New York
    C. It was in New York
    D. New York was where
  2. It’s in the market that Julie buys her vegetables. 茱麗葉是在菜市場買菜。

下面的where 和when 可看作是非正式語體用法:

  1. It was yesterday wen I saw him. 我是昨天看到他的。
  2. It is at the school and universities where out characters are moulded. 我們的性格是在中小學和大學塑造出來的。

that 用法(pron.)1

問:SAM: We play American football in the USA. In our game we also have eleven players in a team, but our ball is like this.
LILEI: Oh! Is that a ball? Aren’t all balls round? (《初中英語教科書》第二冊(上), 人民教育出版社、朗文出版集團有限公司, 1997, p.27)
[原譯] SAM: ⋯ ⋯在美國, 我們踢美式足球。比賽中, 我們一個隊也有十一名運動員, 但我們的球是像這樣的!
LILEI: 噢! 是那一個球嗎? 不是所有的球都是圓的嗎? (《初中英語英漢對照譯注與課後練習解答》, 陝西師大出版社, 1997, p.76)
請問句中的Is that a ball? 可以譯為“是那一個球嗎?”

答:把Is that a ball? 譯為“是那一個球嗎?”, 顯然是錯誤的。that 用法在句中作主詞, 是個指示代名詞, 它所指代的是“橄欖球”(our ball like this) 。全句的意思是:“那個(橄欖球)(算) 是球嗎?”(說話人認為橄欖球不是圓的, 不應叫做球)

that(pron.)2  that ten dollars

問:that ten dollars 是否應改為those ten dollars? 要知道that 是單數, 而dollars 卻是複數。

答:當限定詞與表示度量的名詞片語連用時, 它們可以與其所修飾的名詞(中心詞) 在數上不一致, 這是符合英語慣用法的: that (those) ten dollars (參見estimate, a good2 , this1 , another1 )

that(pron.)3 (形容詞子句的修飾物件問題)

問:Other animals were trapped in tar pits, like the elephants, sabre-toothed cats, and numerous other creatures that are found at Rancho La Brea, which is now just a suburb of Los Angeles. (New Concept English, Book 4, p. 109).
[原譯] 還有些別的動物陷在風化石油坑裡, 如象、長著鋒利犬牙的虎、以及在現在正是洛杉磯市郊的蘭橋拉布裡出土的很多別的動物。(外教版, p.16)
上面的that 子句僅僅修飾other creatures 嗎?

答:根據上下文以及三個並列成分(elephants, sabre-toothed cats, and numerous other creatures) 共用一個定冠詞the 這一語言線索, 可以判定that 子句是說明前面三個並列成分, 而不是只說明numerous other creatures 的。

that(pron.)4 (形容詞子句的修飾物件問題)

問:The curtain was rung down in that phase of history, at least, by the sudden invention of the hydrogen bomb, of the ballistic missile and of rockets that can be aimed to hit the moon.
[原譯] ⋯⋯ 由於能夠擊中月球的彈道導彈和火箭的突然發明⋯ ⋯ (《第三帝國的興亡》)
“能夠擊中月球的彈道導彈”, 這種說法似乎違背常識。請分析。

答:大家知道, 彈道導彈是因其飛行軌跡與一般炮彈的軌跡不一樣而命名的。因此彈道導彈是不能擊中月球的。所以形容詞子句that can be aimed to hit the moon 決不可能用來說明the ballistic missile。另外, rockets 前面的介係詞of 也有助於表示that 子句僅限於說明rockets。 rockets that can be aimed to hit the moon 是指“可以命中月球的火箭”。
[試譯] 由於氫彈、彈道導彈和能夠命中月球的火箭的突然發明⋯ ⋯


問:A report that he stole was ultimately sent to the police. 請問that 子句是形容詞子句, 還是同位語子句?

答:這是CGEL 所提出的一個歧義句。就孤立的句子而論, 這個句子容許有兩種解釋。一是把that 子句理解為形容詞子句(that 為關係代名詞, 充當子句動詞的受詞), 一是把that 子句理解為同位語子句(that  為連接詞, 不充當任何句子成分, stole 為不及物動詞):

(a) 他偷來的一份報告最終送到了警察局。(A report (which) he stole…)
(b) 關於他進行偷竊的一份報告最終送到了警察局。(The report was that he stole.)

that (pron.)6

問:No bread eaten by man is so sweet as _________ earned by his own labour.
A. one
B. that
C. such
D. what
 (攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題, 94)
謝振元教授主編《研究生入學考試英語複習指南(1997)》(中國人民大學出版社) 在解答上題時說:“ 這裡需要一個關係代名詞指代它的先行詞bread, 而在子句中又起主詞作用。(B) that 是關係代名詞: 一方面它指代先行詞bread, 另一方面, 在子句中作主詞。”

答:解答者沒有搞清該句的文化結構。首先, 應明確, that 在這裡是個指示代名詞, 替代前面的名詞bread, 以避免重複, 這是常見常考的語言點, 而該書的編著者卻說它是個關系代名詞! 其次, 應當注意, earned 是個過去分詞, 作that 的後置形容詞, 因此, earned…labour 並不是什麼子句, 也不需要用什麼詞項來作它的主詞。[參見that(pron.) 8,10]

that(pron.)7 (引導非限制性形容詞子句)

問:She heard a terrible noise, ______ brought her heart into her mouth.
A. it
B. which
C. this
D. that
 (全國高考英語試題, 1991)
標準答案為B。能否選D 呢? 也就是說, that 能否引導非限制性形容詞子句呢?

答:正像CGEL 所指出的, 在非限制性形容詞子句中, 關係代名詞的選擇僅限於who (whom) 和which。決不能使用零關係代名詞。那麼能不能使用that 呢? CGEL 的作者們並沒有說絕對不能使用, 而只是說that is rare (that 很罕見) (p.1258) 。上面試題的可取之處就在於它強調了在非限制性形容詞子句中, 當中心詞為表物的名詞時幾乎總是使用which 這樣一個事實。因此, 從整體上看, 這道試題並沒有什麼大錯誤, 但是最好不要讓考生在which 與that 用法之間進行選擇。
[附注] 英語教師應當注意, 英語裡有些例外的情況, 例如:

  1. I looked at Mary’s sad face, that I had once so passionately loved. 我望著瑪麗那悲傷的面容, 過去我曾一度非常熱烈地愛過的那副面容。
  2. They are reports from the sense, mostly the ears and eyes, that keep the brain in touch with the world. 它們是來自感覺(主要是耳朵和眼睛) 的報告, 使大腦與外部世界保持接觸。(《科技英語閱讀文化》, p.347)
  3. He went home talking to himself and to the moon, that was very high and small. 他一面自言自語, 一面對月喃喃地回家去, 月亮很高而小。(費致德:《現代英語慣用法詞典》, p.863)
  4. The thunder storm, that had been hanging about all day, suddenly broke. 整日籠罩天空的大雷雨突然來臨。

that(pron.)8 that/ one

問:(1) A table made of steel costs more than _______ made of wood.
A. that
B. which is
C. it is
D. one
(2) Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the density of a substance to __________ of water.
A. one
B. that
C. the ratio
D. those
我不明白, 為什麼試題(1) 只能選D(one), 而不能選A(that), 也不明白為什麼試題(2) 只能選B(that), 而不能選A(one) 。

答:這是中國學生和教師經常提出的一個問題。一般而論, that 與one 在替代前面的名詞時, 大致有如下幾個區別:

A. that 替代帶定冠詞的名詞, 如試題(2), 而one 替代帶不定冠詞的名詞, 也就是說, that 替代有定的名詞, one 替代無定的名詞, 如試題(1):

  1. The potato crop in 1846 was inferior to that of 1815.(that 替代the potato crop) 1846 年的土豆收成不如1815 年。
  2. The Korean climate is more pleasant than that of Japan. 朝鮮的氣候比日本好。
  3. I am looking for a flat. I’d like one with a garden. (one 替代a flat) 我正在尋購一套單元房。我想買一套帶花園的。

當one 的先行詞為名詞複數時, 則該名詞可以帶定冠詞:
The clean towels are in the drawer – if you need one. (one 實際上替代的是a clean towel)

B. that 既可用來替代可數名詞, 亦可用來替代不可數名詞, 而one 則不能替代不可數名詞:

  1. Anderson has never been out of the United States, yet his accent is very similar to that of an Englishman. 安德遜從未離開過美國, 不過他的口音卻非常像英國人(的口音) 。
  2. Social life in a village cannot compare with that of a large city. 鄉村的社交生活是不能與大城市的社交生活相比的。

C. that 不能替代表人的名詞, 而one 卻可以:

  1. A hateful person is one that arouses feelings of hatred in you. 可恨的人就是讓你內心裡產生厭惡之感的人。
  2. The girl I saw was older than the one you were dancing with. 我看到的那個女孩比和你跳舞的那個女孩年齡大。

D. that 只能帶後置修飾語, 而one 既可帶後置修飾語, 也可帶前置修飾語:

  1. My seat was next to that of the mayor. 我的座位緊挨著市長的座位。
  2. The question was a complicated one. 這個問題是一個複雜的問題。
  3. The first question is one which Jackson has anticipated. 第一個問題是傑克遜所預料到的一個問題。

E. 用以替代前面出現的名詞的that, 其形容詞子句不能使用關係代名詞who, 也不能使用that 或零關係代名詞, 而one 卻可以:

The problem confronting us today is not dissimilar from that which the nation confronted in the 1930s.

A good write is __________ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way.
A. that
B. he
C. one
D. this

that(pron.)9 that/ this

問:(1)“What is that building?”
“_______(That’s/This is) where the garden equipment is stored”(TOEFL, 75. 2)
(2) He told the story like _______ (that / this):“Once upon a time…”
(3) A: She’s expecting twins.
B: How do you know _____ (that/this)? (CGEL)
(4) I want to know ______ (that/this): Has this Mrs. Jones been here the whole morning?
不知上面各句應當用that 還是應當用this。

答:在一般情況下, 人們用that 來表示前面提到過的事, 即that 一般用於前照應, 而用t his 來表示後面要提到的事, 即this 一般用於後照應。
中文“這”的用法常常干擾我們去理解和掌握英語that 和this 的這種替代用法。因為中文的“這”常常用來指上文(前面提到的事):

你覺得很熱, 這是因為你第一次到南京。
先栽苗後澆水, 這也可以。(《現代中文八百詞》)

請比較下列例句中的that 與其譯文:

  1. She is tactful, but I couldn’t call her that. 她很圓滑, 但我不能這樣說她。
  2. “Bob wants to sell you his old radio.”
    “ I know. He’s already suggested that to me.”
  3. That’s why這就是為什麼⋯⋯

that(pron.)10 that/ those

問:Anderson has never been out of the United States, yet his accent is very similar to an Englishman. (TOEFL)
安德遜從未離開過美國, 但他的口音卻跟英國人非常相似。
我看不出上面的英文句子有什麼毛病, 當我讀了譯文之後, 更加加深了這種感覺。

答:你之所以有這種感覺和認識, 是因為你受了中文表達習慣的影響。要知道, 在中文比較句裡, 可以省略後一比較項目裡相同的詞語。例如:

  1. 哈爾濱的天氣比北京[的天氣] 冷。
  2. 他的口音跟英國人[的口音] 非常相似。

而在英語裡卻不是這樣。英語要求兩個相比較的成分必須對等。如果相比較的成分是名詞, 則後一比較項目中的名詞須用that (those) 來代替或者使用名詞所有格(所有格) 。在你所提問的句子裡, 是his accent 與the accent of an Englishman 相比較。因此, 應將an Englishman 改為that of an Englishman。這一內容是各類英語考試所經常考核的項目。

1. It is interesting to compare the education system here with the United State .(高考英語試題, 80)
2. The moon has a mass that is nearly one hundred times less than the earth; in consequence, the force of gravity at the moon’s surface is only one-sixth of that at the earth’s surface. (攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題, 1994)
3. Joh’s chance of being elected chairman of the committee is far greater than Dick. (研究生入學考試英語試題, 1990)
4. Yong readers, more often than not, find the novels of Dickens far more exiting than Thackeray. (同上, 1992)

that(pron.)11 that/ what

問:This is all ________ we need for the experiment. [《高中英語教科書》(必修) 第二冊(下), 人民教育出版社、朗文出版集團有限公司, 1998, p.125]與該書配套的《教師教學用書》(p.193) 給的答案是what。但是我總覺得用what 有點兒不對勁。

答:雖然what 和that 用法都可用作關係代名詞, 但它們的用法和意義卻是截然不同的。
what 引導的子句可以充當句子的主詞、受詞、述語、介係詞受詞等, 但是絕不能充當名詞或代名詞的形容詞子句。因此, 在上面的句子裡, 絕不可用what 來作all 的關係代名詞來引導形容詞子句。這裡應當使用關係代名詞that 或零關係代名詞, 即省略that。請看下列實例:

  1. What I want is a cup of hot cocoa. (what 子句作句子主詞) 我想要的是一杯熱可哥。
  2. Did you find what you wanted? (what 子句作句子受詞) 你找到你要的東西了嗎?
  3. He’s aware of what I write. (what 子句作介係詞的受詞) 他知道我寫的東西(他知道我寫什麼) 。
  4. All that glitters is not gold. 閃閃發光物, 未必皆黃金。
  5. All I want is peace of quiet. 我所需要的只是和平和安靜。
  6. All you do is add water. 你要做的事情是加水。
  7. All I could say was “I’m sorry” 我所能說的一切, 就是“ 我很抱歉”。

that(pron.)12 that / which 1

問:高中英語第一冊p.40 有這樣一道題:
Model: This is the best film ________ (今年放映過) 。
This is the best film that(which) has been shown this year.
有人發表文章說這裡使用which 是錯誤的, 是這樣嗎?

答:很多人認為, 當先行詞為表物的名詞時, 可任意使用that 或which 。實際上, 並非總是如此。這裡存在著一個慣用法問題。例如, 當先行詞有最高級形容詞或順序數詞以及last, next, only 等修飾語時, 人們大都喜歡使用that, 而較少使用which 。讓我們來參考一些實例:

  1. They eat the finest food that is available. 他們吃能買到的最好的食品。
  2. They east the finest food (that) money can buy. 他們吃用錢能買到的最好的食品。

但是, 使用which 也並不是錯誤的, 見that(pron.)13,14 。

that(pron.)13 that / which2

問:1. Finally, the thief handed everything _______________ he had stolen to the police.
A. which
B. what
C. whatever
D. that
 (全國高考英語試題, 1987, 標準答案為D) 。
2. All _______ is needed is a supply of oil.
A. the thing
B. that
C. what
D. which (全國高考英語試題, 1989, 標準答案為B) 。
上面兩道題均把which 判為錯誤。但是, 先行詞everything, something, all 等用which 作關係代名詞真的就是錯誤嗎?

答:上面的試題不夠恰當, 因為用which 作all, everything, something, anything, nothing 的關係代名詞並不是錯誤, 它只是沒有that 用得那麼普遍而已。還是讓我們引用權威語言學家們的論述來作證明。
That as subject and that or zero as object are preferred to which when the antecedent is nonpersonal all, anything, everything, nothing, little, or much…”(CGE L, p.1251)
(“當先行詞是非人稱的all, anything, everything, nothing, little 或much 時, that 與which 相比, 人們更喜歡用that 作主詞, 用that 或零關係代名詞作受詞。”)
由此看來, 使用that 或which 只是個使用頻率問題, 而不是正誤問題。

  1. Then he said something which astonished his guests. 隨後他講了一件使他的客人感到吃驚的事情。
  2. Matter is the name given to everything which he weight and occupies space. 物質是賦予具有重量和佔據空間的一切東西的名稱。
  3. This is all which Mr. Black could offer. (《新編英語文化》) 這就是布萊克先生所能提供的一切。
  4. Have you anything(which/ that) you’d like to sell? 你有什麼東西想賣嗎?

that(pron.)14 that / which 3

問:《實用英語文化》(張道真編著, 外研社, 1995, p.96) 說:
which 代表事物, 在子句中可以作主詞或受詞⋯⋯ that 代表事物的時候更多一些, 也可代表人, 在子句中可以作主詞、受詞或述語。”
當中心詞為表物的名詞, 而關係代名詞在子句中作主詞或受詞時, which 和that 是完全可以互換的。

答:《實用英語文化》, 作為一部中級英語文化書, 對which 和that 所作的陳述是恰當的。你如果是一位英語初學者的話, 那你所做的結論是很實用的。但是, 你如果具有較高的英語水準, 則應查找其他資料, 進一步弄清which 和that 的慣用法問題。下面提供一些參考資料。

通常使用that 的場合:

A. 當先行詞是all, anything, something, everything, nothing, lit t le, much, none, one時, 人們大都喜歡使用that 或省略充當受詞的that (即零關係代名詞):

  1. All is well that ends well. 結果好, 一切都好。
  2. Have you everything that you need? 你是否(擁) 有你所需要的一切東西?
  3. I’ll tell you something that you didn’t know before. 我要告訴你你從前不知道的一些事情。
  4. I never have taken any thing that didn’t belong to me. 我從不去獲取不屬於我的東西。
  5. Much that has been said tonight will soon be forgotten. 今天晚上說的許多話很快就會忘記。
  6. There was little that interested him at the motor show. 汽車展銷會上引起他興趣的東西極少。
  7. The government has promised to do all that lies in its power to help. 政府答應盡全力進行援助。

B. 當被修飾的名詞(即先行詞) 有only, all, any, few, little, no, one of 等修飾語時, 人們通常喜歡用th at 或者省略that (當that 用法作受詞時):

The only thing that impresses me is her directness.

C. 當先行詞受最高級形容詞、順序數詞、last 、next 修飾時, 通常使用that 或零關係代名詞:

They eat the finest food that is available.

D. 當先行詞既含表人的名詞又含表物的名詞時, 這時只能使用that:

The generals complained that the Defence Department had not sent the extra men and equipment that they needed.

通常使用which 的場合:

A. 當關係代名詞之前有介係詞時, 只能使用which:

  1. Here is the car about which I told you. 這就是我向你談到過的那輛汽車。
  2. The documents for which they were searching have been recovered. 他們剛才在尋找的檔已經找回來了。
  3. This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while. 這是一個我們可能要爭論很長時間的問題。

但是, 當介係詞位於句末時, 則可以使用that:

  1. This is something (that / [   ]) I cannot put up with. 這是我不能忍受的一件事。
  2. the office that he works at 他工作的辦公室
  3. The chair that you are sitting on is a n antique. 你坐著的那把椅子是一件古物。

B. 當關係代名詞之後有插入成分時:

I have received your courteous and constructive letter which, as I have told you, was urgently needed by the press.
我已收到您那封彬彬有禮而富有建設性的來信。這封信, 正如我所告訴您的, 是新聞界所急需的。

that(pron.)15 that/ which4

問:Some of the musical pieces for _______ Isadora Duncan choregraphed dances were waltzes and mazurkas by Chopin.
答案為C。能否選B(that) 呢?

答:見that(pron.) 18 。

that(pron.)16 that which/ what

問:記得老師在解釋what 的含義時, 常常說what = that which。但that which 是否能在實際語言中使用? 如果能使用, 它與what 有沒有區別?

答:根據現代語言學家們的解釋, 只有在十分正式的語體中, that which 才是可以接受的, 故在實際使用上比較罕見, 常常用what 來代替。

  1. (That which / What) upsets me most is his manner. 最使我心煩的是他的舉止。
  2. That which is most highly valued in the tribe is valour. 在這部落最受推崇的是勇敢。
  3. I east (what / that which) I like. 我吃我喜歡的東西。
  4. That which pleases one party infuriates the other. (正式語體) 使一方高興的事會激怒另一方。

A.S. Hornby 則進一步指出, that which 與what 在語意上是有些區別的。That which 表示具體明確的事情, 例如, Don’t criticise that which you don’t understand. (對你不懂的事情不要亂批評) 。這句話是與某個具體的事有聯繫的。而what 則表示籠統的事, 例如, Don’t criticise what you don’t understand. (凡是不懂的, 就不要妄加評論。) 這句話指的是籠統的事。

  1. The argument contains no evidence beyond hat which is contained in the proposition. 此論點除包含在命題之中的證明外, 沒有任何其他證明。
  2. Mr Burke exclaims against outrage; yet the greatest is that which he himself has committed. 伯克先生指責暴行; 然而, 最大的暴行正是他自己幹出來的。

另外, 在諺語中也常常採用that which 的用法:

  1. That which is evil is soon learned. 壞事易學。
  2. That which is well done is twice done. 一次做得好等於做兩次。
  3. That which one least anticipates soonest comes to pass. 越是意料不到的事越容易發生。

that(pron.)17 that(those) which

問:我知道起替代作用的that (those) 可用介係詞片語來限制, 例如The population of China is much greater than that of Japan.但不知能否用形容詞子句來限制。如能, 那麼在形容詞子句中使用什麼樣的關係代名詞? 請舉例說明, 我沒有查到這方面的例子。

答:起替代作用的that (those) 可用形容詞子句來限制。that 的形容詞子句可使用which 作關係代名詞, 不能使用that 和who。對於those, 則可使用those which, those that, those who, those等:

  1. The topic of cellular physiology is regrettably among those which lie outside the compass of this book. 遺憾的是, 細胞生理學這一題目不在本書範圍之內。
  2. More modern methods of horticulture have replaced those that prevailed at the time of the college’s foundation. 更加現代化的園藝方法已經取代了大學剛建立時常用的那些方法。
  3. He admires those who succeed. 他羡慕那些獲得成功的人。
  4. The butter we import is less expensive than that(which) we produce ourselves(=‘the butter which’) 我們進口的黃油要比我們自己生產的黃油便宜。
  5. These flowers are better than those(which)we planted last year (=‘the flowers which’). 這些花要比我們去年種的花好看。
  6. Was it ________ the professor regarded with such contempt?
    A. them who
    B. them whom
    C. those
    D. he who
  7. The problem confronting us today is quite similar to ________(it, that, one) which America faced in the 1930’s
  8. A force is that which tends to change the motion, size of shape of a body.  力就是具有改變物體運動、尺寸或形狀的趨勢的物理量。

that(pron.)18 that…on(at, in, under)

問:(a) the day which she arrived on
(b) the day that she arrived on
我知道結構(a) 是正確的, 但懷疑結構(b) 的正確性。關係代名詞that 能與介係詞連用嗎?

答:關係代名詞that 與which 有一個區別: 介係詞可以放在which 的前頭, 卻不能放在that的前頭, 但是, 當介係詞放在形容詞子句末尾時, 則既可以跟which 連用, 也可以與that 連用。

  1. the day that she was born on 她出生的那天
  2. the office that he works at 他工作的辦公室
  3. the table that the boy crawled under 孩子在下面爬的那張桌子
  4. This is the kind of life that he is used to. 這就是他習慣的那種生活。
  5. It is a thing that I have dreamed of and worked for. 那就是我夢寐以求並為之工作的事。

The matter _______ you were arguing about last night has been settled.
A. what
B. as
C. whom
D. that (攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題, 82 A)

that(pron.)19 what…that

見what 14



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