might 用法1 (might as well)

問:___________ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make ful. use of it.
A. As soon as
B. After
C. Although
D. Now that
 (高考英語試題, 1999, 第11 題)
as well 及其他》一文(《英語輔導報·高中教師版》, 1999 – 2000 學年度第1 期) 對上面的試題作了如下的解答:
“最佳答案是D。Now that 句意為:‘既然你得到了一個機會, 你或許也能充分利用它’。然而有的同學不清楚as well 的意義, 將句意理解成:‘當你得到了一個機會後, 你或許能充分利用它。’因而誤選B. After。
事實上, as well 意為: in addition, also, too‘也, 又, 同樣地’。在句子中起連接兩個概念的作用。請注意觀察下面相關句子, 注意連接詞的不同及各句句意。
① Peter and Paul came to the zoo. 彼得和保爾來到了動物園。
② Paul came to the zoo. Peter came, too. 保爾來到動物園, 彼得也來了。
③ Paul came to the zoo. Peter came as well. 保爾來到動物園, 彼得也來了。”
上文對上道題的解答似乎有誤, 不知我的看法對否?

答:上文的作者誤解了might as well 的意義和用法。把might 用法理解為“或許”, 而把as well 理解為“也”。其實, might (may) as well 是一個常用習語, 意思是“ 不妨”、“ 最好”、“還是⋯⋯ 的好”。它與單獨使用的as well 的意義和用法完全不同。因此, 上文作者把上句中的as well 解釋為, also, too, in addition, 完全是一種誤解, 因而所舉的例句也是與上題風馬牛不相及的。見may 用法10 。
[試譯] 既然你得到了一個機會, 你最好還是充分地利用它。

might 用法2 (might as well/ had better 1)

問:Since the flight has been cancelled because of bad weather, we ________ go by train.
A. ought to have
B. had better to
C. might as well
D. would rather not
我認為選B 和選C 都是正確的。不知您以為然否?

答:只能選C (might as well), 而不能選B, 因為had better 後面要求跟動詞原形, 不能帶to。此外, had better 表示從許多可做事情中擇優的問題, 而might (may) as well 則表示從沒有辦法中找辦法的問題, 也就是說, 它常常表示“勉強”、“遷就”、“無奈”的意思。
由於班機取消而轉乘火車確實是無可奈何的事情。參見may 用法10 。

might 用法3 (might as well/ had better 2)

問:下面是《英語難題解答400 則》第146 條問答:
“問[146] : 81 年研究生試題: Since she is angry, we might as well leave her alone, 如用had better 取代might as well, 可以嗎?
▲ 答: 各有其用, 如互換, 則引起細微的變義。(1) might as well (might just as well, may as well) 的含義近似“無妨”,“退求其次”,“將就也罷”, 例如: I know you are eager to go to meet your wife at the station, but since it is raining so hard and you are tired out after a heavy day, you might as well stay at home and wait for her. (= stay at home as well as go to the station) She has been very choosey in looking for a suitable man to marry. But now she is past the prime of her youth and beauty, she may as well pick up a home-produced college graduate. I think.這兩句帶有消極含義。(2) had better 有“勸告”的作用, 由原則出發選擇行動, 或為了避免錯誤或損害; 例如: Today most parent spoil their only son or daughter, consequently he or she, when grown up, takes to evil ways and may even commit crimes. So you had better keep your only son in strict discipline. You plan to go to English for further studies after your graduation from college, don’t you? Meanwhile you had better get ready with your English. 根據我的理解, 我認為1981 年研究生試題不必用“退求其次”的might as well, 最好改用“選擇”的had better, 即: Since she is angry, we had better leave her alone.”
您是否也認為上面試題中的might as well 應改為had better?

答:從本網站有關had better, may as well, might as well/had better 用法的論述和實例中可以看出, had better 主要用於表示從許多辦法或措施中選擇最佳的方法或措施, 在說話人看來, 他所提出的方法或措施是最佳的, 令人滿意的。因此, you had better 所提出的建議並不是很客氣、很委婉的。might as well 則主要用於表示“沒有辦法的辦法”那種無可奈何的心情和語氣, 所提出的辦法或建議, 在說話者看來, 並不是理想的, 令人滿意的, 但又找不到合乎理想的辦法, 而只能如此。如果把上題中的might as well 改為had better, 雖然句子是正確的, 意思也說得通, 但是說話人那種出於無奈的語氣卻消失得無影無蹤了。因此, 還是不改為好。上面試題的完整形式見may 用法10 (may as well/may well) 條。順便說一句, 只有在“you”作主詞時,“had better”才具有教訓或威脅的口吻。

might 用法4 (might at least)

問:You might at least offer to help! 請問該句中的might 具有什麼意義?

答:might at least 常常用來表示嘮叨、指責或埋怨。上面句子的意思是: 你至少應該給予幫助啊! 類似的例子:

You might (at least) clean the bathtub after you’ve used it!
你用過浴盆之後, (至少) 應該洗刷乾淨才是。

might 用法5 (might have done 1)

問:You must have been mad to speak to the servant! She might have called for help. (《高中英語教科書》(必修) 第二冊(下), 人民教育出版社、朗文出版集團有限公司, 1997, p.55)與該書配套的《教師教學用書》(p.139) 說:“ She might have called for help.她本來可能呼救的。(事實上並未呼救) ”根據上下文, 上面的句子能譯為“ 她本來可能呼救的”嗎? 另外, 說話人是否已知道“她並未呼救”? 歸結起來, 我的問題是: might have done 總是表示“本來可能做某事, 但事實上說話人已知某事並未做成”這一層意思嗎?

答:除了用在假設條件句中之外, might have done 通常可以表達三種含義:

A. 推測過去有可能發生某事, 至於這種可能性是否已變成了現實, 說話人並不知道。在表達這一層含義時, might have done 可用may have done 來代替。請分析下面的實例及其譯法:

  1. You might have dropped it.
  2. He may/might have gone. (= It is possible that he went/has gone.)
    他可能(已經) 走了。
  3. The train might have been delayed. (= Perhaps the train has been delayed.)
  4. What do you think that noise was?’—‘It might have been a cat’
    “你認為那是什麼聲音?”—“ 可能是一隻貓。”
  5. He may/might not have received the letter.

不難看出, 問句中的might have called for help 是屬於上一用法。句意是: 她可能會喊救命的呀。

B. 推測過去有可能發生某事, 並且確切知道這種可能性並未變成現實(即表示過去有可能發生而事實上並未發生的事) 。在表達這層含義時, might have done 不能用may have done 來代替。請分析下面的實例及其譯法:

  1. You were stupid to try climbing up there. You might have killed yourself.
    你試圖攀登到那上邊去, 真是愚蠢。弄不好會摔死你的。(說話人知道聽話人並未摔死)
  2. He came home alone. You shouldn’t have let him do that; he might have got lost (but he didn’t get lost)
    他自個兒回家來了。你不應當讓他這麼做, 他可能會迷路的(說話人知道他並未迷路) 。
  3. It was really very dangerous; you might have injured him seriously.
    那確實很危險, 你可能會嚴重傷害他的呀。
  4. Why did you leave the matches there? The children might started a fire.
    你為什麼把火柴放在那兒? 孩子們可能會點火的。

對於這種過去有可能發生但實際上未發生的事情, 說話人可能有兩種態度: 慶倖或高興, 不滿或責備:

  1. You might have told me!
    你本應該告訴我的! (抱怨)
  2. You might have been more careful.
  3. You might have let me know earlier!
    你應該早點讓我知道的! (責備)
  4. A lot of men died who might have been saved.
  5. You might both have been caught and killed!
    你們倆可能被捉住砍頭的呀! (慶倖)

由於might have done 具有上面兩種含義, 所以有些句子可能會產生歧義:

You shouldn’t have drunk the wine; it might have been drugged.
你本不應喝那酒, 裡邊可能放了麻藥/ 裡邊是有可能放麻藥的呀。(說話人不能確切知道酒裡到底有沒有放麻藥/ 說話人現在確切知道酒裡並沒有放麻藥)

C. 仿佛是, 好像是

  1. How quickly time passed! It might have happened yesterday.
    時間過得真快! 這件事就好像是昨天發生似的。
  2. A taxi cab, which might have been used by Lot and his family as they left Sodom and Gomorrah, took my luggage and struggled bravely through the traffic.
    一輛出租馬車, 好像是當年羅特和他全家離開索多姆和高莫拉城時乘坐過的那輛, 戴著我的行李, 費力而又驚險地穿行在熙熙攘攘的車流中。

might 用法6 (might have done 2)

問:He might have realized that you were pulling his leg.
請說明句子裡might have realized 的含義。


A. might + 完成體不定詞有時用來表示埋怨或訓斥(埋怨對方本應該做的事而沒有做),這個結構在語意上相當於should + 完成體不定詞或ought to + 完成體不定詞, 可以譯為“本應該”(If you tell someone that they might have done something, you are telling in an angry way that they ought to have done it.):

  1. But I think you might have told us half an hour ago.
  2. You might have warned me she was coming.
    她要來, 你本應該通知我一聲的。

按照這種理解, 你提問的句子的意思是:

他本該明白你是在跟他開玩笑。(He ought to have realized that you were pulling his leg.)

B. 情態動詞might + 完成體不定詞表示(從現在的觀點看來)“可能已發生了某事”(If you tell someone that they might have done something, you are telling in an angry way that they ought to have done it.)

  1. He might well have said that. 他很可能說過這樣的話。
  2. I might have come to a wrong conclusion. 我可能得出了錯誤的結論。

按照這種分析, 你提問的句子的意思是:


(might have done 的其他含義見may 用法5,6)

might 用法7 (might have guessed)

may 用法5,6

might 用法8 (might have suspected)

may 用法5,6

might 用法9 (might/may)

may 用法9

might 用法10 (might/might well)

may 用法8

might 用法11 (might not/could not)

問:(1) They might not be serious.
(2) They couldn’t be serious.

答:上面兩個句子, 無論在結構上, 還是在語意上都是不同的。從結構上看, couldn’t 中的not 是否定情態動詞could 的, 而might not 中的not 則是否定其後的動詞的。從語意上看, couldn’t 表示說話人對自己所作的推測或估計充滿自信, 而might not 則表示說話人對自己所作的推測或估計並無把握, 僅僅提出一種可能性。
(1) 他們可能不是認真的。
(2) 他們(絕) 不可能是認真的。

1. They might not be telling lies.
2. They couldn’t be telling lies.
(參見may 用法11, 13, 14)

might 用法12 (might not have done/could not have done)

問:(1) You couldn’t have met my grandmother; she died before you were born.
(2) You might not have met my grandmother.

答:上面兩個句子的意思完全不同。在couldn’t 用於“推測”義時, 表示說話人對自己的推測或估計確信不疑, 可漢譯為“(絕) 不可能”。而might not 用於“推測”義時, not 並不否定might, 而是否定其後的動詞及其連帶成分的, 可漢譯為“ 可能不”, 表示說話人對自己的推測或估計並無把握。
(1) 你絕不可能見過我祖母, 你出生之前她就去世了。
(2) 可能你沒有見到過我祖母。


  1. They couldn’t have left so soon.
  2. She could not have been more than sixteen, since still wore here long fair hair in a plait.
  3. He couldn’t have made that mistake!
  4. He mightn’t have made that mistake.

might have done 除了上面的用法之外, 還可表示“過去本應發生某事、但實際上並未發生”這一層意思, 有時含有“責備”、“批評”的意思。may have done 則沒有此種用法, 見may 用法5, 6 。

might 用法13 (might…?/ could…?)

could 用法6

might 用法14 might…but

may 用法16

might 用法15 (you might)

問:You might just give me five-eighths of a cups.
請問you might 是“你可以”的意思嗎?

答:這裡的you might 是一種很不拘禮節的請求, 僅僅用於朋友之間, 相當於祈使句+尾句will you。例如:

You might post these letters for me. = Post these letters, will you?



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