have 用法1

問:(1) They made him repeat the message. 他們讓他重述了這個口信。
(2) They had him repeat the message. 他們讓他重述了這個口信。
句(1) 可以改寫成被動句:
He was made to repeat the message.
句(2) 能否也改寫成被動句呢?

答:有若干動詞可用在受詞+ 不帶to 不定詞這一結構中, 如have, let, make, hear, watch, observe 等。其中have, let 不能用於被動式:
× I was had (to) repeat the message.
× The prisoner was let go home.

have 用法 2 (have (a) time)

time 用法8

have 用法 3 (have a word)


have 用法4 (have been in)

見have 用法7: have been to

have 用法 5 (have been to/ have gone to)

be 用法6

have 用法 7 (have been to / in)

問:日本英語學者井上義昌編寫的《英美語慣用法辭典》上說:“(a) He has been to England before. (b) He has been in England before. 說話人不在英國時, 用(a) 、(b)都行, 但說話人在英國時一般用(b) 。”是這樣嗎?

答:並非完全如此。實際上, 當說話人和聽話人在英國時也可以用(a) 。例如, 英國語言學家Michael Swan 在Practical English Usage 一書中說:“Note that you can say to somebody who is in England Have you been to England before?”(p.100) (“請注意: 你可以對一個現在正在英國的人說: Have you been to England before?”)

have 用法 8 (have done)

問:In the past, when I’ve visited London, I’ve seen them. 請問這裡為何使用現在完成式?

答:兩個分句中都使用現在完成式, 表示過去經常發生的事, 即重複性事件。例如:

  1. Every time I have seen him, he’s been reading.
    我每次看到他, 他都在讀書。
  2. My usual practice is that as soon as I’ve taken a shower, I’ve eaten breakfast.
    我通常的做法是: 我一洗完淋浴, 就吃早飯。

例(2) 不用一般現在式而用現在完成式, 意味著句子所描述的情況可能不適用於將來。

have 用法 9 (don’t have to be)

問:It doesn’t have to be hot in Florida now.
我不理解doesn’t have to 在這裡的含義。

答:上面有關have 用法的句子是下面句子的否定句: It must be hot in Florida now. 因此don’t have to 用法是must 或have to否定式, 意思是:“未必”、“不一定”(not necessary) 。你所提問的句子的意思是: 現在佛羅里達的天氣不一定很熱。
(參見have 用法24: have to 用法)

have 用法 10 (have done with)

問:(1) I have done with painting.
(2) Have you done with all this nonsense.
(3) You are too dishonest. I’ve done with you.
請問have done with 是什麼意思?

答:have done with 可以作“幹完”、“不再幹”解, 也可以做“停止”、“停止來往”解。句(1) 可譯為:“我不再搞繪畫了。”句(2) 可譯為“不要再說這些廢話了。”句(3) 則可譯為“你太不老實。我和你斷絕關係。”請分析下面的實例:

  1. Let’s have done with this quarreling.
  2. Will he never have done with his persistent speech making? (《英漢辭海》)

have 用法11 (have got/have)

問:I have got a headache. 請問have got 是現在完成式嗎?

答:have got 形式上是現在完成式, 但在內容上卻是現在式, 在口語中常常用來代替have, possess。但它只用於表示靜態的場合。

  1. He hasn’t got enough money. (表擁有) 他沒有足夠的錢。
  2. Have you got any sisters? (表關係) 你有姐妹嗎?
  3. I haven’t got the courage to quarrel with them. 我不敢同他們爭吵。

have got 與have 在用法上有一個重要的區別, 就是have got 大都表示現在的情況, 而have 卻可以表示反復的或習慣性的情況。

  1. Have you got a ticket for tonight’s concert? 你有今晚音樂會的票嗎?
  2. Have you got a cold now? 你現在感冒了嗎?
  3. I often have colds. 我時常感冒。

另一個重要區別, 就是have 既可表動態, 又可表靜態, 而have got 則只能表靜態。

Does she have coffee with her breakfast?

這裡就不能使用Has she got

have 用法 12 (have got/ have had)

問:My piano is magnificent. _________since I was fifteen.
A. I got it
B. I’ve got it
C. I have it
D. I’ve had it
答案為D。但我無法向學生解釋為什麼此題不能選B(I’ve got it) 。含有since 子句的主句不是應當用現在完成式嗎?

答:當since 時間副詞子句的動詞用一般過去式時, 主句確實應當用現在完成式, 但是這個動詞必須是持續動詞(durative verbs) 例如, be, have, live 等, 而不能是瞬間動詞(momentary verbs), 如get, receive, leave 等。因為主句所表示的是從since 子句所指的時間為起點一直持續到現在的情景。應注意, have got 在意義上是現在式, 相當於have。因此, 不能與since 子句連用。請分析下列例句中主句動詞的特點:

  1. He has worked in the same office since he came here in 1980.
    他自1980 年到這兒以來, 一直在同一個辦公室工作。
  2. He has lived with us since he came to England.

(參見since 用法, have 用法 11: have got/have)

have 用法 13 (have got to)

問:There has got to be some mistake. 這裡的Has got to 是什麼意思?

答:have got to 同have to 用法, must 一樣, 也可以用來表示推論或邏輯上的必然性(參見have 用法24: have to, must 用法) 。上面句子的意思是: 這裡一定有什麼錯誤。類似的例子:

  1. Someone has got to be telling lies.
  2. “I have ten sons and ten daughters.”
    “Twenty children? You’ve got to be joking!”
    “No, it’s a serious matter, believe me.”
    “二十個孩子? 你一定在開玩笑吧!”
    “沒有, 相信我, 這是真的”。

句中的You’ve got to be joking. = You can’t be serious. 你一定是開玩笑(你說的話不可能是當真的) 。(參見have 用法 18: have to / must 2)

have 用法 14 (have got to do/have to do)

見have 用法 25: have to do/ have got to do

have 用法15 (have it coming)

問:(A) He had it coming.
(B) He had that defeat coming to him.
上面兩句中的had 是否仍表示主詞有意地讓別人去做某事或讓某事發生?

答:have sb.(sth.) doing 常常含有兩種含義: 1.表示主詞有意地讓別人去做某事或者讓某事發生, 例如: Please have her typing these letters for me. 2.表示主詞無意地引起某人做某事或者無意地引起某事發生。上面的句子可以譯為: 失敗是他自找的(失敗是對他的報應) 。再看下面的例句:

  1. If you don’t put a fence around your garden you’ll have people walking in and stealing your fruit.
    假如你不在花園周圍安上柵欄, 就會有人走進去偷你的水果。
    have it coming 就具有這兩層不同的含義:
  2. I’m glad you won the prize, Tom. You had it coming.
    湯姆, 你得了獎, 我很高興。這是你努力的結果(你是受之無愧的) 。
  3. I felt sorry about Jack’s failing that course, but he had it coming to him.
    傑克的那門課沒有考及格, 我很難過, 但那是他自找的。
  4. So vicious a man that whatever evil things happen to him he will have it coming.
    這麼壞的人無論遭到什麼不幸的事情, 都是罪有應得。

(參見have 用法 20: have sb. do/ doing)

have 用法 16 (have not/do not have)

問:《現代高級英漢雙解辭典》(p.495) 上說: have 的“否定和疑問形式變化, 在英國不需要用助動詞do, 但在美國的用法則不儘然。”這種說法對嗎?

答:這種說法不夠精確。在英式英語裡, have 構成否定句和疑問句時, 並不是在任何場合下都不需要助動詞do 的。實際上, 只有當have 用作靜態動詞(如表擁有、佔有、家庭關係、疾病等) 時, 它的疑問和否定形式才不需要do。例如:

  1. I haven’t any money. (擁有) 我一點錢也沒有。
  2. How many brothers have you? (家庭關係) 你有幾個兄弟?
  3. I haven’t a headache any longer. (疾病) 我再也不頭痛了。

有些現代英語文法學家認為, 上述結構雖然在英式英語中是傳統的, 但現在已不太常見了, 在have 用於過去式的時候尤其如此。在美式英語中, 即使have 表靜態意義時, 也常常借助助動詞do 來構成疑問和否定形式的。

1a. I don’t have any money.
2a. How many brothers do you have?
3a. I don’t have a headache any longer.

當have 表示動作(如“吃”、“ 喝”、“取得”、“ 經歷”、“ 產生”等) 時, 亦即用作動態動詞時, 它總是需要do 來構成疑問和否定形式, 無論在美式英語裡, 還是英式英語裡都是如此。

  1. Did you have a good holiday in Japan? 你在日本假期過得好嗎?
  2. Did she have a baby at the clinic? 她是在診療所生的孩子嗎?
  3. They don’t have an argument every day. 他們不是每天都爭論(或: 他們每天都不發生爭論) 。

have 用法 17 (have (got) to/must 1)(表示“必須”)

問:have (got) to 與must 都表示“必須”的意思, 它們之間有沒有區別呢?

答:must 著重表示“說話人或聽話人自身的義務”, 帶有較重的個人色彩(個人的責任感、自覺性) 。有時則含有講話人行使權威的意思。

  1. I must do what you tell me.
  2. You must come and visit me.
  3. You must be back by ten o’clock.
    (“You are obliged to be back…”;“ I require you to be back…”)
    你必須10 點以前回來。

have (got) to 則著重表示“由客觀條件所引出的義務”, 缺少個人主觀色彩, 因此, 語氣比must 更強。

  1. I have (got) to go now.
  2. We have (got) to send these VAT forms back before the end of the month.

(參見must 用法)

have 用法 18 (have(got) to/must 2) (表示“推論”)

問:You must (have/got to) be joking!
must 與have (got) to 都可以表示推論(邏輯上的必然性) 。請問它們在這個意義上是否還有區別?

答:have (got) to 與must 都可以用來表示推論(“必定”、“一定”、“準是”) 。但是, have (got) to 強調從客觀上推論, 因此“ 邏輯上的必然性”的意義比must 更強。請比較:

  1. He must be hungry.
  2. If Bley was aboard, he had to have heard me.
    如果佈雷在船上, 他一定會聽到我的喊聲。
  3. She must be asleep (= She can’t be awake).
  4. There has (got) to be a first time for everything.
  5. A: I’m the worst runner in the race. There were five runners and I came fifth.
    B: Don’t worry. Someone had to come last.
    A: 在這次賽跑中我是最糟的運動員。一共有五個運動員, 而我跑了第五。
    B: 不要難過。總要有人跑倒數第一的。
  6. There had to be some solution to the problem.
  7. He was standing upright, so he had to be all right.
    他挺直地站在那裡, 所以他一定沒有發生什麼事。

have 用法 19 (haven’t got (to))

get 用法2

have 用法 20 (have sb. do/doing)

問:(A) Don’t forget to have him come.
(B) He tried to have her talking.
請問句(A) 中的have sb. do 與句(B) 中的have sb. doing 有無區別?

答:have sb. do 與have sb. doing 這兩種格式的基本意義是相同的, 只是有細微的差別。受詞補語使用現在分詞(doing) 時, 它所指的動作具有進行體含義:

  1. She had us working day after day. 她讓我們天天幹活。
  2. I won’t have you speaking so rudely to me. 我不允許你這樣粗暴地對我講話。
  3. I can’t have you doing that. 我不允許你幹這事。
  4. I’m sorry to have had you waiting so long. 讓你等這麼久, 真對不起。
  5. I won’t have you saying waiting so long. 我不允許你這樣說我的姐姐。
  6. Long before radio was invented, he had TV working in his books. 早在發明無線電之前他就讓電視活現在他的書中了。

受詞補語使用動詞不定詞時, 它所表示的動作則可以指現在, 也可以指將來或者指可能發生的動作:

  1. They had me repeat the message. 他們讓我把這個口信重複一遍。
  2. I won’t have you say such things. 我絕不會讓你說這樣的話。
  3. I will not have you blame it on me! 我不會讓你把這事歸罪於我!

這裡還應指出, have sb. doing sth. 既可以用來表示have 的主詞有意地讓別人去做某事(1 – 3 例), 也可以用來表示have 的主詞無意地引起某人可能去做某事或者表示“ 遭遇”(4 – 6 例) 。

  1. Bronwen tried to have her talking. But no use.
    布朗溫試圖讓她談談, 但白費了力氣。
  2. She’ll have you doing all the housework if you’re not careful.
    如果你再不小心的話, 她就會讓你做全部家務。
  3. I had them all laughing throughout the meal.
  4. If you don’t put a fence round your garden you’ll have people waling in and stealing your fruit.
    如果你不在花園周圍安上柵欄, 就會有人進去偷你的水果。
  5. He had defeat coming to him.
  6. I woke up in the night and found we had water dripping through the ceiling.
    我夜裡醒來, 發現天花板在滴水。

(參見have 用法 15: have it coming)

have 用法 21 (have sb. do/to do)

問:一九八○ 年高考英語試題第VII.2 題:
That sentence was so hard to understand that I had to have my teacher to explain it for me.
標準答案要求去掉explain 前的不定詞符號to。難道保留to 就一定是錯誤的嗎?

答:一般的教科書和詞典給出的句型確實是have sb. do sth.。Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 還特別說明, have“used with the infinitive without to”。R. Quirk 等人也指出, have 用作使役動詞時, 後面接不帶to 的不定詞: Did they have you paint the house? (他們叫你油漆房子了嗎?) 但是有些英語學者卻認為也可以帶to。例如, E. Kruisinga 就舉過幾個帶to 的例句:

What, I’ll have you to know… (A Handbook of Present English, Part 11. P.386)
《英俄大辭典》也認為可以帶to [have sb. (to) do sth.]: Will you have me to help you?


  1. Now, having achieved so capital a marriage, Caroline, worthy creature, was anxious that her sisters should not be less happy, and would have them to visit her in spite of her husband’s protests.
  2. I will have someone to translate the story for me. (葛傳椝:《英語慣用法辭典》, 時代出版社, 1962 年)
  3. Mr. Rochester would have me to come in.

Do you want Mary to help you with your letters?” “Yes. Please type these for me.”
A. her to
B. have her
C. she has
D. she
(提示, 請注意, 上面的試題避免了在have sb. do 與have sb. to do 之間進行選擇。)

have 用法 22 (have sth. done 1)

問:He had two horses s hot. 我將這個句子譯為: 他讓人射殺了兩匹馬。不知對否?

答:這種句型一般可作兩種解釋: 一是表示主詞有意志的行為, have 具有使役意義。例如:

  1. We ought to have her examined by a doctor. 我們應當讓她找醫生給檢查一下。
  2. You’d better have that bad tooth pulled out. 你最好找醫生把那顆壞牙拔掉。

二是表示“遭遇”、“ 經歷”, 此時句子所表示的動作是違背主詞的意願的。例如:

  1. The old woman had her  handbag stolen. 這位老太太被偷了手提包。
  2. King Charles I had his head cut off. 國王查理斯一世被砍了頭。
  3. John had his house burned down last night. 約翰的房子昨夜被燒毀了。
  4. He had his leg broken. 他的腿弄斷了。

你所提問的He had two horses s hot 這個句子是有歧義的。按照第一種用法, 它的意思是:“他叫人射殺了兩匹馬。”按照第二種用法, 它的意思是:“ 他的兩匹馬被(敵人) 射死了。”與此相類似, John had a book stolen from the library.  這個句子也是有歧義的。按照第一種用法(have 具有“使役”意義), 它的意思是:“約翰叫人從圖書館裡偷走了一本書。”(John arranged for a book to be stolen from the library) ; 按照第二種用法(have 具有“遭遇”意義), 它的意思是:“約翰在圖書館裡被偷走了一本書。”(John suffered the loss of a book from the library) 。此外, 還可把stolen 看作是book 的後置形容詞, 這樣, 這個句子還具有第三種意思:“他有一本從圖書館裡偷來的書。”[John ha d a book (which was) stolen from the library.]

你所提問的句子可能還有第三種含義, 請見have sth. done2 。

have 用法 23 (have sth. done 2)

問:(a) After Mr Wimpenny had the plane built, it was tested thoroughly.
(b) Since then, Mr Wimpenny has had it rebuilt.
(c) He has had the length of the wings increased so that they now measure 93 feet…
以上三句摘自New Concept English, Book 2。下面是朗文出版公司、世界圖書出版公司出版的《新概念英語》(2) (p.278) 上的譯文:
(a) 在Wimpenny 請人製成這架飛機之後, 又對它進行了全面的試驗。
(b) 後來, Wimpenny 讓人把它重新改制了。
(c) 他把機翼的長度增加到93 英尺……
據我所知, have sth. done 是指“讓人做某事”, 例如, I had my hair cut yesterday. [昨天我(讓人給我) 理了發。] 不知為什麼譯文(c) 沒有把這層意思翻譯出來。

答:have sth. done 這個句型常常是有歧義的。有時是指叫別人做某事, 而有時則是指主詞(或邏輯主詞) 本身做某事。當句子本身不能提供判斷線索時, 只能求助於上下文。根據New Concept English, Book 2, L.66 的內容, 可以看出, Wimpenny 既是自行車飛機的設計者, 又是它的製造者, 所以, 他自己動手幹的可能性是極大的。因此, 把上面三句中的動作(built, rebuilt, increased) 看作是主詞發出的動作比較合乎情理。此外, NCE的編者提供的改寫練習似乎也證明了這一點。

(a) After Mr Wimpenny built the plane, it was teste4d thoroughly.
溫彭尼先生製造這架飛機後, 對它進行了全面的試驗。
(b) Since then, Mr Wimpenny has rebuilt it.
從那以後, 溫彭尼先生對這架飛機進行了改造。
(c) He has increased the length of the wings…

The dentist said that if my tooth went worse, I should have to have it pull out.

have 用法 24 (have to 用法)

問:“The F.B.I. knows al l about it.”
“I told them.”
Henry looked across at Julius.“Yes, ” he said.“There had to be something like that. You…”
亨利朝朱利斯看著。“唔”, 他說“竟然會有這樣的事。你……”
請問have to 在這裡譯成“竟然會”, 對否?

答:have to 用法除表示“必須”(be obliged to) 之外, 還可以表示“推斷”、“ 揣測”。在表示後一含義時, have to 與must 很相似, 不過have to 強調從客觀上推論, 因此, 肯定性比must 還要強。然而, 英譯漢時有時很難把這種區別表達出來, 只好也譯為“肯定”、“必定”、“一定”、“必然”等等。例如:

  1. Someone has to be telling lies. 肯定有人在說謊。
  2. There has to be some mistake. 這裡一定有錯誤。
  3. If Bley was aboard, he had to have heard me. 如果佈雷在船上, 他一定會聽到我的喊聲。

你所提問的句中的had to, 根據上下文來看, 應屬“ 推測性用法”。也就是說, There had to be something like that 的意思是: 早就估計到會發生這樣的事, 而不是像譯文所說的那樣, 完全沒有料到會發生這樣的事。因此, 這個句子可譯為:


(參見have to / must)

have 用法 25 (have to do/ have got to do)

問:have to 和have got to 在表示“必須”這個意義時, 是否可以互換?

答:在表示一次性動作時, have to 和have got to 是可以互換的:

  1. I have (got) to be back by ten o’clock. 我必須10 點前返回來。
  2. I haven’t got to work tomorrow. 我明天不必上班。

但是, 當表示習慣性動作時, 尤其是當句中含有表示經常性的副詞(如always, often, sometimes 等) 時, 則應使用have to, 而不使用have got to:

  1. I don’t usually have to work on Sundays.. 通常我在星期天不必工作。
  2. I often have to get up at 5:00. 我常常必須五點鐘起床。

have to 與have got to 的另一區別, 就是後者不大用於過去式(在美式英語中沒有had got to 這個結構, 即使在英式英語中也是頗為罕見的) :

  1. They didn’t have to worry about money.
  2. I had to walk very fast to overtake you.
    為了趕上你, 我不得不走得很快。

最後一個區別, 就是have to 前可加助動詞或情態動詞, 或者用在進行體和完成體結構中, 而have got to 卻不能:

  1. I shall have to help him as much as I can.
  2. He may have to cancel his plan.
  3. People are having to boil their drinking water during this emergency.
    在這個緊急狀況下, 老百姓必須煮沸他們的飲用水。
  4. The administration has had to make unpopular decisions.

have 用法 26 (haven’t to/ don’t have to)

問:Longman Dictionary of Common Errors (中譯本, 安徽科技出版社, p.168) 把下列句子列為錯句:
Some wives earn a lot of money and so their husbands haven’t to work.
難道haven’t to 不是have to否定形式嗎? 我在英語辭書上就查到不少haven’t to 的例句:

  1. You haven’t to go to school today, have you?
    你今天不必去上學, 是吧?
  2. We haven’t to got school on Sunday.

答:這確實是一個難於回答的問題, 它曾困擾我很長的時間。但是讀到兩部權威英語文法著作的解釋, 這一個問題就豁然開朗了。CGE L(p.146) 說: 對英式英語慣用法的研究表明, 在否定句和疑問句中, have to 在85% 以上的情況下都是借助do 來造句的。”LEG 則說: ”(you) haven’t to 是(you) don’t have to 在英式英語方言中的變體。”

That’s very kind of you. I wish I ________ give you so much trouble.”
A. don’t have to
B. haven’t to
C. hadn’t to
D. didn’t have to

have 用法 27 (don’t have to do/mustn’t do)

問:have to 和must 在作“必須”解時, 其基本含義是相同的。它們的否定形式don’t have to 與mustn’t 的基本含義是否也相同?

答:don’t have to 與mustn’t 的含義完全不同。前者意為“不必”(not obliged to) 、“不需要”(not necessary), 後者意為“不許”、“不應當”、“一定不要”、“絕不要”。請分析下面的實例及其譯文:

  1. We don’t have to go to school on Sundays. 星期天我們不必上學。
  2. They didn’t have to worry about money. 他們不必為金錢操心。
  3. You mustn’t drink water from the river. 你們絕不要喝這河裡的水。
  4. You mustn’t tell the teacher about it. 不許把這件事告訴教師。

關於表示推測的mustn’t, 見mustn’t / can’t

have 用法28 (have you?/ haven’t you?)

問:按照附加疑問句的規則, 如果前面的陳述句是肯定的, 附加疑問句應當是否定的, 反之亦然。請問如何解釋下列類型的附加疑問句呢?
You’ve had an accident, have you?

答:這種附加疑問句的特點是: 前面的陳述句是肯定的, 後面的附加疑問句也是肯定的, 這是一種比較少見的附加疑問句。這種句型的語意特點是: 說話人通過回憶或推斷, 對已經說過的話得出了結論。例如:

  1. So he likes his job, does he? 所以他喜歡他的工作, 是吧?
  2. You have got the explosive, have you? 你有炸藥, 是吧?

(參見tag question 2)



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