fail to or in?

問:“I thought Bob was going to join the navy.”“Didn’t you hear? He failed _________ the physical examination.”
A. passing
B. to pass
C. in passing
D. to have passed
答案為B(to pass) 。但我認為C(in passing) 也是正確的。

答:fail to + 動詞不定詞, 是一個沒有爭議的最常見的用法。一般考生知道這一點就足夠了。英語教師則應瞭解: 對於fail + in + 動名詞這一用法, 語言學家是有爭議的。例如, 有的語言學家指出, He failed in doing it.是錯誤的, 應改為He failed to do it. 但是, 實際上, 我們有時也會遇到fail in doing 的用法:

  1. The chairman failed in trying to persuade the committee to share his opinion.
  2. I failed in understanding what they meant.



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