aware 作“意識到的”解, 通常只用作述語, 而conscious 既可用作述語, 又可用作形容詞:

  1. They became aware of a peculiar smell in the room. 他們發覺房間裡有一股特殊的氣味。
  2. She is politically aware. 她有政治覺悟。
  3. The conscious patient ~ The patient is aware.  神智清醒的病人~ 病人神志清醒。

但是, 當aware 作“有覺悟的”、“明智的”解時, 可作前置形容詞

  1. a politically aware person. 一個有政治覺悟的人.
  2. Would an aware, thinking person say such foolish things? 一個懂事的、有頭腦的人會說這種蠢話嗎?
  3. He was very conscious of his shortcomings. 他很清楚自己的短處。
  4. He smiled to express conscious superiority. 他笑了, 表現出有意識的優越感。
  5. Gain conscious familiarity with features of the English sound, grammar, vocabulary, and cultural systems. 有意識地去熟悉英語語音、文法、詞彙和文化體系的特點。



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