問:so to speak 意思是什麽?可以用作插入語只可用在句末嗎?

答:用作插入語的so to speak 既可用在句末, 也可用在句中。so to speak意思和用法大體上等於as it were (似乎, 好像, 仿佛) 。主要用於表示說話人的意見顯得不那麼肯定。

  1. We still don’t have our heads above water, so to speak. 我們好像仍沒有擺脫困境。
  2. He goes to work early before the office is awake, so to speak. 他很早就去上班, 似乎辦公室還沒睡醒, 他就到了。
  3. Imperialism is, so to speak, digging its own grave. 帝國主義似乎在為它自己挖墳墓。
  4. It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is so to speak, a newer product from an improved formula. (New Concept English, Book 4, p.81) 據說, 兩者中神經毒液是較為原始的一種, 而血液毒液仿佛是用改進配方製成的較新產品。

另見speak with/to



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