like 用法 1

問:To put it in very simple terms, a nuclear chain reaction is controlled by surrounding the fissionable material (e.g. U-235) with a substance like graphite (a form of carbon), which is known as a moderator.
[原譯] 簡而言之, 控制核鏈式反應的辦法, 就是把裂變物質(如鈾-235) 用一種類似石墨(碳素的一種形態) 的材料, 包圍起來。這種材料叫做減速劑。(《英漢翻譯手冊》, p.446)

答:大家知道, 介係詞like (有的語言學家認為是形容詞) 可以作“相似”、“相像”(resembling) 解。例如:

The man like John is over there.

但是, 介係詞like 也常常作“如”、“例如”(such as) 解, 引出同位語。例如:

  1. Among semiconductors are chemical elements like germanium and silicon, and a lot of chemical compounds such as oxides.
    屬於半導體一類的有化學元素, 如鍺和矽, 還有許多化合物, 如一些氧化物。
  2. A piece of information may be a number made up of digits (like 3.1416), or a word made up of letters (like ADD).
    一條資訊可能是一個由一些數字組成的數(如3.1416), 或是一個由一些字母組成的詞(如ADD) 。
  3. The environment is everything around you. It can be living, like a forest, or non-living, like a rock mountain.
    環境是指我們周圍的一切。其中有生物, 如森林, 也有非生物, 如石山。

在你所提的句中, a substance like graphite 中介係詞like 究竟是哪種用法呢? 核子物理學知識告訴我們, 原子反應堆常用的減速劑有重水、石墨、鈹等, 而從不使用什麼“類似石墨的物質”。可見, 原句中的like 應作“例如”(such as) 解。
[試譯] ⋯⋯就是用一種叫做減速劑的物質, 例如石墨(碳的一種形式), 把裂變物質(如鈾- 235) 包圍起來。

like 用法 2 (like/ alike)

問:(1) Some antibiotics used in the treatment of human disease are like only in that they are obtained from fungi and bacteria. (TOEFL, 1983.8)
(2)The twins are so much ________ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.
A. similar
B. equal
C. like
D. alike
研究所考試英語試題, 1983 A)
我看不出上面的試題(1)的句子有什麼錯誤, 也看不出為什麼試題(2) 不能選C(like) 。

答:出題者的意圖是: like 一般用作介係詞, 用作形容詞時只能充當前置形容詞, 而不能充當述語(此時應當用alike) 。各類標準英語考試的考生應牢記英語測試專家們的這一觀點。英語教師和英語研究者則應進一步掌握現代英語的實際使用情況。實際上用作形容詞的like 也可以充當述語。The American Heritage Dictionary 明確指出: 形容詞like可以用作alike: They are as like as two brothers.請觀察類似的例子:

  1. They’re as like as two peas.
  2. He and his brother are very like.
  3. Then there are Hans and Peter, the twins…and they are very like each other.
    然後, 有漢斯和彼得, 這對孿生兄弟⋯⋯他們長得很像。

另請參考有關like vs alike的文章

like 用法 3 (like anything/ anything like)

問:like anything 與anything like 有無區別?


  1. It didn’t taste anything like soup. (anything 用作副詞)
  2. He can’t do anything like that. (anything 用作代名詞)
  3. The thief ran like anything when he saw the policeman.
    當那個小偷看見了員警時, 便拼命逃跑。
  4. They love her like anything.
  5. She works like anything when she’s interested.
    她感興趣時, 工作幹得非常起勁。

like 用法 4 (like him doing/ his doing)

問:I like his (him) signing.

答:這兩種說法都是正確的。動名詞的邏輯主詞為代名詞時, 既可以使用所有格(his, their等), 也可以使用受格(him, her 等) 。使用所有格的傳統理由是: 動名詞具有名詞的屬性, 它的前面按照規則應當使用代名詞的所有格(物主代名詞) 來做它的文法上的形容詞

I object to your smoking cigars.

但是, 動名詞也具有動詞的屬性, 它的後面可以跟直接受詞: He liked our singing folk songs. 因此, 使用代名詞受格, 也是有充分理由的, 而且往往使人感到更為自然, 尤其是在非正式語體中:

  1. I dislike him driving my car. 我不喜歡他開我的汽車。
  2. We looked forward to you becoming our neighbor. 我們盼望著你成為我們的鄰居。
  3. Fancy you having noticed! 真想不到你已經注意到了!

這就是說, 既可以使用代名詞所有格, 也可以使用代名詞受格來充當動名詞的邏輯主詞。因此, 人們常常為格的選用而苦惱。例如, I dislike you/ your climbing the fence.不過當充當動名詞邏輯主詞的代名詞位於句首時, 人們大都願意使用所有格。

  1. Your driving a car to New York took longer than I expected.
  2. My forgetting her name was embarrassing.
    我忘了她的名字, 這使我非常尷尬。
  3. Your falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip.
    你掉進了河裡, 是整個旅行的高潮。

當動名詞複合結構充當真實主詞時, 動名詞的邏輯主詞也大都採用所有格形式。

  1. It’s a waste of time your talking to him.
    你跟他談話, 那是浪費時間。
  2. But it is very risky your going off in such a hurry.
    但是, 你這樣急急忙忙地走, 那是很危險的。

如果動名詞是being, 則在正式英語和非正式英語裡都使用所有格, 而不用受格:

Excuse my being late.

如果在句首使用代名詞主格來做動名詞的邏輯主詞, 則帶有典型的非正式語體色彩。

Your falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip.
你掉進了河裡, 是整個旅行的高潮。

考生應注意, 託福測試專家們仍堅持在正式語體中用代名詞的所有格(所有格) 來作動名詞的邏輯主詞。

1. The teacher was justly annoyed by him walking in late and disturbing the class.
2. Because John’s parents did not approve of him going on an automobile trip out west, he took a summer job as a lifeguard.

like 用法 5 (like sb. to do)

問:“I’ll help you whatever you need me.”
“Good. I’d like ________ me tomorrow.”
A. you helping
B. you help
C. you to help
D. that you will help
我不知道如何做這道題, 請分析。

答:like 除了用於like to do, like doing, like his (him) doing 等結構之外, 還可用於like sb. to do 結構, 如上面的試題。請分析下面類似的實例:

  1. They don’t like the house to be left empty.
  2. I’d like him to come.

like 用法 6 (like sth. done)

問:“Is the radio bothering you?” “It certainly is. I’d like _____ off.”
A. turning
B. to turn
C. turned
D. turns
我不知道如何做上面的題, 請分析。

答:除了上面談的各種用法之外, like 還可用在like sth. + 過去分詞或形容詞的結構中, 如上面的試題。請比較下列實例:

  1. I would like my room cleaned.
    我希望你們把(或你們找人把) 我的房子打掃乾淨。
  2. You must tell us exactly what you would like done.

請注意, like sth. done 結構一般地說在語意上等於like sth. to be done:

They don’t like the house to be left empty. ≈ They don’t like the house left empty.

like 用法 7 (feel like )

feel 用法

like 用法 8 (Do you like/ Would you like)

would you like 用法

like 用法 9 (like to do/ like doing)

問:like to do 與like doing 這兩種結構有什麼區別?

答:從理論上講, like + 動名詞表示正在進行的動作或經常性動作, like + 動詞不定詞表示特定的未來事件。但是在實際使用上, 這兩種用法並非如此涇渭分明, 尤其是在美式英語中。有時我們從原著中經常可以看到like to do 表示經常性動作的實例:

  1. As a movie fan, he likes to go to the movies every week.
    作為一個影迷, 他每週都去電影院看電影。
  2. I like to read in bed.
  3. Do you like to eat ice cream?
  4. I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work done before lunch.
    我喜歡早起, 那樣我在午飯前就可以做許多事。
  5. As a rule I like to be alone and undisturbed.
    通常我喜歡單獨一個人, 不受干擾。

因此, L.G. Alexander 說: I like to watch TV.與I like watching T V.一般說來, 意義是相同的。

like 用法 10 (would like to have done )

would 用法

like 用法 11 (would like / would like to)

問:“How about going on a picnic with us tomorrow?”
“_________ very much.”
A. I’ll like to
B. I’d like to
C. I’d Like
D. I’ll like it.
書上給的答案是B(I’d like to), 但我認為選C(I’d like) 也是對的。是不是呢?

答:選(C) 肯定是錯誤的。因為在回答時, 在like, love, try, want, hope, hate, wish 等詞後面必須有to。不定詞符號to 代表整個的動詞不定詞片語。請考察下面的實例:

  1. Would you like to come for a walk with me? (Yes,) I’d like to.
    請跟我一起去散散步好嗎? 好吧, 我很願意。
  2. Would you like to come to a party? – I’d love to.
    請來參加聚會, 好嗎? 我很願意。



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