Such 用法1:

問:(1) You gave me such a fright.
(2) The news gave me such a shock.
(3) There was such a crowd that we couldn’t see a thing.

答:含有such的名詞片語,即使沒有形容詞來作修飾語,也是表示“程度很高”的意思,例如,句(3)中的 such a crowd = such a large crowd。

I had no idea you were such an orator.

such 用法2(such/so比較):

問:(1) “What a beautiful day!” “Yes. It’s ________ that I’d like to take a walk.”
A. such nice weather
B. a so nice weather
C. too nice weather
D. nice weather so

(2) It is _______ at we’ll have to be very careful.
A. a so big work
B. a so big job
C. such a big job
D. such a big work

為什麼句(1)只能選A( such nice weather),而不能選B( (so nice weather),句(2)只能選C (such a big job)而不能選B(so big job)?據我所知,so+形容詞+名詞也是一個正確的結構,例如: He has so much work to do that he is staying late at the office.

答:首先應當弄清楚,so是個副詞,可以放在形容詞或副詞之前作修飾語(如 so beautiful, so good),而such是個形容詞,用來修飾名詞,做形容詞。當名詞之前有另外的形容詞時,則在此形容詞之前一般既可以用such,也可以用so。但是,在這兩種結構中,不定冠詞a(an)的位置是不同的:such a beautiful girl, such a lovely day, so beautiful a girl, so lovely a day。不難看出,句(2)中的B(a so big job)是不符合這個件的(改成 so big a job就可以用了)。那麼,為什麼句(1)不能選用B(so nice weather)呢?這是因為:當名詞不可數名詞或複數名詞時,不能使用so,而必須使用such也就是說,so一般用於so…a(an)結構。因此之故,選B(so nice weather)是錯誤的(weather不可數名詞)。你可能反駁說:為什麽可以說 so much work呢?work不就是不可數名詞嗎?

對於這個間題我們的回答是:當名詞之前有表示數量的詞語(如many, much, few,  little)時,則只能使用so來修飾它們,而不能使用such:

  1. They have only so much time to do their lessons. 他們只有這麼些時間做功課。
  2. He didn’t invite us in so many words, he just asked whether we were coming. 他並沒有說很多話來邀請我們,他只是問我們要不要去。
  3. I have so few books. 我就這麼幾本書。
  4. He has so little information. 他只有那麼一點點兒訊息。

〔附注〕當little作“小的“解時,可以與such搭配使用:such a little girl。

另外請閲讀有關such as 用法的文章。



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