instead of 用法1(instead of doing/instead of to do):

問:有的書認為下列句子的instead of 用法是錯誤的:

(錯) I advised her to go out more instead of to stay at home all the time.


(對) I advised her to go out more instead of staying at home all the time.

並解釋說: instead of後接 something或 doing something。但是我在文法書中卻讀到這樣一個範例:

It must be so frightful to have to put things on in order to look better, instead of to strip things off (A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language).


答:A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language的作者們認為 instead of 用法是個“邊綠介係詞”,它不僅可以後接 something(代名詞則用受格)或 doing something,還可以接動詞不定詞來作它的受詞。而且,instead of + to -V已被證明標凖的書面英語。他們還論證說,上面的句子之所以采用動詞不定詞 to strip,而不采用動名詞 stripping,是為了保證與前面的 to put保持平行關係。類似的例子:

  1. You ought to weep instead of to laugh. 你該哭而不該笑。
  2. He went there to gain money instead of to spend money. 他到那兒去為了的是賺錢而不是花錢。
  3. They will use their power to rationalise capitalism instead of to destroy it. 他們將運用手中的權力使本主義合理化,而不是去毀滅它。

(建議)對於英語考生來說,記住 instead of 用法後接 something或 doing something,就足夠了。對於英語教師來說,則必須懂得instead of 用法是後接doing something,還是後接to do something,是有選擇餘地的,不要輕率地將instead of後接to do something的句子一律判為錯句。此外,還應掌握,instead of 用法還可以後接介係詞片語形容詞甚至as子句,見下條。

instead of 用法2:


That increased instead of decreased our courage.

我認為這個句子有錯誤,應將 decreased改為 decreasing。不知你以為然否?

答:對於一般的英語學習者,應該告訴他們 instead of 用法是個介係詞,其後應接名詞(包括動名詞)或代名詞。因此,上面句中的 decreased應改為 decreasing。這樣說,是符合英語的大致趨勢的。正像CGEL的作者們所指出的,人們有時寧肯破壞平行結構,也堅持把它用作嚴格的介係詞:

  1. Instead of giving him the money, he gave it to me. 他沒有把錢給他,而是給了我。
  2. He intends to go as he is, instead of changing into his best clothes. 他出去時,總是穿平時穿的衣服,而不是换上最好的衣服。

但是,英語研究者則應當懂得更多一些:現代語言學家把 instead of叫做“邊緣介係詞”,因為它有好幾絛不符合介係詞標準的地方,比如說,它後面可以接動詞不定詞、as子句、介係詞片語丶形容詞等:

  1. A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hate him. 如果他當時說一句鼓勵的話也許會使我敬他,而不至於憎恨他了。
  2. She asked me whether I wanted to cook instead of write. 她問我是否想做飯而不寫東西。
  3. As a result, silver began to flow out, instead of into, the country. 其結果是銀子開始流出國外,而不是流進國內。
  4. The play acts better, instead of worse, than it reads. 這個劇本演出的效果比閱讀效果好,而不是壞。

不難發現,上述instead of 用法能夠保證兩個詞組的平行關係。為了解釋上述語言現象,語言學家們把這種instead of 用法叫做準對等連接詞。這樣看來,《新英漢詞典》中的例句 (That increased instead of decreased our courage)並沒有什麼錯誤,因而沒有必要把 decreased改為 decreasing。

instead of 用法3:


There has been a tendency for industry to be concentrated in a single region, instead of to be to be dispersed evenly over the whole country.

該書者判定“to be”為錯誤,應改為 being。但我認為 instead of to be並沒有什麼錯誤。

答:instead of接動詞不定詞已被認為是標凖用法。在上面的試題裡,該句之所以使用to be dispersed,而不使用 being dispersed,是為了與前面的動詞不定詞 to be concentrated保持平行關係。(参見 instead of用法1,2)



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