as 用法 1 (strong as he was)

“他很強壯, 一次能背六十公斤重的東西。
誤: Strong as he was, he could carry on his back a load of sixty kilograms at a time.”
注中說:“as 作連接詞連接原因副詞子句時, 不能倒置。”

答:這種提法是一種誤解。其實, 連接原因副詞子句的as, 也可以處在這個倒置的位置上。請看下面的實例:

  1. Tired as they were, they went to bed as soon as they came back. 由於他們很疲勞, 所以一回家就上床睡覺了。
  2. Michael, fool as he was, completely ruined the dinner. 邁克爾傻乎乎的, 把這次宴會完全給弄砸了。

(參見as 用法15 )

as 用法 2 (isolated as it was)

問:The house was very quiet, _______ as it was on the side of a mountain.
A. isolated
B. being isolated
C. isolating
D.  having been isolated (全國大學英語四級試題, 1999. 6 – 48)
[原譯] 由於房屋位於山邊, 所以它非常安靜, 與外界隔絕。
雖然我知道了答案是(A), 但是我搞不清句子的結構, 看了上面的譯文後仍然沒有搞懂。從譯文看, 形容詞isolated 與形容詞quiet 似乎是並列成分。

答:上題中的isolated as it was 是一個倒裝語序的原因副詞子句(形容詞或副詞要放在子句之首), 見as用法1 ;as用法15 。
[試譯] 這幢房子在山腰裡, 與外界隔絕, 相當清靜。

as 用法 3 (published as it was)

問:__________ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.
A. Being published
B. Published
C. Publishing
D. To be published
(全國大學英語四級試題, 1996. 1 – 26)
答案為B(published) 。
[原譯] 雖然他的作品是在這個時候出版的, 但還是引起了廣泛的關注。(《大學英語四級考試歷年實考試卷詳解》, 上海外語教育出版社, 1999, p. 314)
從子句內容看, 把published as…譯為讓步副詞子句, 似乎欠妥。

答:由於倒裝語序的as 子句既可作讓步副詞子句, 又可作原因副詞子句(見as用法1, 2 , 15) , 所以上面的句子在沒有上下文的情況下是有歧義的。如把Published as…理解為原因副詞子句(這種可能性更大一些), 則上句可譯為: 由於他的作品是在這個時候出版的, 所以引起了廣泛的注意。

as 用法 4 (as + 過去分詞(作形容詞))

問:在the facts as observed (所觀察到的事實) 結構中as 的作用和意義是什麼?

答:as + 過去分詞結構放在名詞或名詞片語之後, 用作形容詞的情形是很常見的, 尤其是在科技英語和一般的論說文中。

See the answers as given at the end of this book.

as observed (as given) 這種結構的完整形式是as they are observed (as they are given) 。這個結構與用作形容詞的純過去分詞或過去分詞片語雖然在語意上有些區別, 但譯成中文時卻無法表達出來。例如:

  1. the books as listed below. (如) 下面所列出的書籍。
  2. Experts in kinesics, in their study of body motion as related to speech, hope to discover new methods of communication. 人體語言專家, 在研究與語言有關的身體活動時, 希望發現新的交際方法。

I hope all the precautions against air pollution, ________ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here.
A. as
B. while
C. after
D. since

as 用法 5 (例如)

問:various trees, as oak or pine 請說明as 的詞義和詞性。

答:這裡的as = for instance, for example。至於詞性, 各家說法不一。WNCD 說它是副詞, OED 說它是連接詞, COD 說它是關係副詞。最好建議學生不要去死記as 的詞性, 而要掌握它的含義和用法。

  1. Some animals, as dogs and cats, eat meat. 有些動物, 例如狗和貓, 是食肉動物。
  2. Sound waves can travel only through a medium, as air or water. (列舉a medium 的部分內容)

聲波只有通過介質, 如空氣或水, 才能傳播。

as 用法 6 ( 引導非限制性形容詞子句)

問:Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. (New Concept English, Book 4, p.8)
[原譯] 蜘蛛不是昆蟲, 儘管許多人都這樣認為, 它甚至與昆蟲幾乎沒有聯繫。(上外教版, p. 1)
關係代名詞as 是代表spiders are not insects, 還是代表spiders are insects?

答:絕大部分英語文法著作都比較詳盡地談到了as 用作關係代名詞引出非限制性形容詞子句的問題, 在這種非限制性形容詞子句中, as 一般不代表某個具體的名詞或代名詞, 而是代表整個主要句子或主要句子的一部分。這種子句可以放在主要句子之前, 也可以放在主要句子之後, 甚至可以放在主要句子的中間。例如:

  1. As has been said above, a magnet produces a magnetic field in the space around itself. 如上所說, 磁鐵在其周圍的空間會產生磁場。
  2. In electrical usage the term potential, as will be pointed out later, has a definite quantitative meaning. 在電學上, 正如以後將要指出的那樣, 電位這個術語具有確定的數量意義。

但是, 幾乎所有的文法著作都只是談到了主要句子為肯定句的情形, 而很少涉及主要句子為否定句的情形。所以, 許多學生乃至許多翻譯工作者對主要句子為否定句時as 形容詞子句的特點不甚瞭解。例如, 在課堂上許多學生不能確切回答上句中as many people think 裡的as 所代表的內容究竟是spiders are not insects, 還是spiders are insects。
下面讓我們簡略地講一講主要句子為否定句時as 引導的形容詞子句的修飾範圍問題。

A. 當as 引導的形容詞子句位於具有否定意義的主要句子之前時, as 子句所修飾的範圍是整個主要句子的內容, 也就是說, 把否定意義也包括在內。例如:

As has been said above, grammar is not a set of dead rules.
正如前面所說的, 文法不是一套死條文。

B. 當as 引導的形容詞子句位於具有否定意義的主要句子之後時, as 子句所修飾的範圍不包括否定意義。Spiders are not insects, as many people think.= Spiders are not insects. But many people think they are. 類似的例子:

Greenland was not a continent, as people thought.

C. 當as 引導的形容詞子句位於具有否定意義的主要句子中間時, as 子句所修飾的範圍也不包括否定意義。例如:

  1. The facts of science are not, as some people think, dry and lifeless. They are living things, filling the eye that looks upon them. 科學事實並不像有些人所想的那樣枯燥無味和沒有生命力。科學事實是活生生的東西。傾聽它們, 耳中就會充滿最美的詩篇, 眺望它們, 眼中就會充滿永不消褪的和諧色彩。
  2. She did not, as her friend had feared, open the case. 她沒有打開盒子, 而她的朋友就是怕她當面打開盒子。

as 用法 7 (as can be seen)

問:(1) ______ is generally accepted, economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.
A. What
B. That
C. It
D. As
 (攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題, 95)
謝振元教授主編《研究生入學考試英語複習指南(1997)》(中國人民大學出版社) 在解答上題時說:“ (D) 是正確答案。事實上此處為As is = Just as it is…相當於一個子句的主要部分。即前半句是主子句, 後半部分是主要句子, 形成複合句。”
(2) ________ can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.
A. as
B. What
C. That
D. It (攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題, 99)
謝振元教授編著的《歷年英語考研試題精解及模擬試題》(中國人民大學出版社, 1999, p. 13) 對上題作了如下解答:
“(A)…As 如填入空白處, 則本句的前半句相當於一個副詞子句, 可以譯成‘正如這些比較圖所示⋯⋯’”
請問上面的as 是連接詞嗎? 它引導的子句是副詞子句嗎?

答:該書編著者說上兩題中的as 是正確答案, 這無可爭議。但是他們說, As is = Just as it is, as 子句相當於一個副詞子句, 這就不僅沒有說到點子上, 而且會產生誤導作用。因為這裡的as 是關係代名詞, 引導非限制性形容詞子句, 它既可代表整個主要句子的內容(如以上兩題中的as), 又可代表主要句子的部分內容。as 在形容詞子句中可以作主詞(如以上兩題中的as), 又可作受詞。這種as 子句既可位於句首, 又可位於句中或句末(見as6 ) 。而在just as it is 中, as 是連接詞, 引導的是副詞子句。as 引導非限制性形容詞子句的用法是各類標準化英語考試中的常考題, 必須熟練掌握它的特點。

1. _________ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.
A. That
B. Which
C. As
D. It
2. As _________ announced in today’s papers, the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sundays.
A. being
B. is
C. to be
D. been
3. ________ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.
A. As
B. That
C. It
D. What
4. Most electronic devices of this kind, ________ manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.
A. that are
B. as are
C. which is
D. it is
5. The size of the audience, ________ we had expected, was well over one thousand.
A. whom
B. who
C. as
D. that

as 用法 8

問:Some noun phrases have a prepositional phrase component, e.g: the city of Rome, which is not a regular postmodifier, as in the people of Rome. (CGEL, p.1284)
[原譯] 有些名詞片語中含有一個介係詞片語成分, 如: the city of Rome, 這並不是一個正規的後置修飾語, 像the people of Rome 那樣。(《英語文法大全》, 華東師範大學出版社, p.1774)

答:上面的句子應當譯為: ⋯⋯ 如: the city of Rome, 這並不像the people of Rome 那樣, 是正規的後置修飾語。(參見as用法6 )

as 用法 9 (引導讓步副詞子句)

as 用法16

as 用法 10 (as we know)

問:He is an American, as I know from his accent.
他是美國人, 我從他的發音就能聽出來。
請問上句中的as 是什麼詞?

答:上句中的as 是關係代名詞, 引導非限制性形容詞子句。它在形容詞子句中作受詞, 它的先行詞是前面的整個分句(He is an American.) 。我們在as 用法6中已經列舉了一些實例, 下面再列舉一些實例:

I live a long way from work, as you know.
我住得離工作單位很遠, 這你是知道的。

帶有關係代名詞as 的形容詞子句, 常見的還有: as everybody knows, as you may remember, as you say, as I can see, as I have said, as you may have heard 等。

as 用法 11 (as we know it)

問:下面是《英語難題解答400 則》(p. 20) 中的一則問答:

“問[28] When modernization is achieved, China as we know it will have disappeared。這句是某外語學院美國專家在某處留學生考題上寫的。有人說:“不正確”。請解釋正確與否?
▲答 文法上是正確的; 正因為文法正確, 所以意義有錯。按文法, 這句要譯為“現代化實現時, 據我們所知, 中國將消失了。”當然不是這意思。句子應該這樣寫: When in time to come the four modernizations are achieved, the China that we know today will have disappeared. 另外, 原句語文上的錯誤是as 句的弄巧成拙, 變成插入句子。倘在原句上改為such a China as we know (it/ her) today…就不誤了。由此可見, 用as 領起的形容詞子句必須有其適當的呼應關係。”

答者說問者所提出的句子“意義有錯”。您也認為“ 有錯”嗎? 此外, 答者將上面的句子譯為“實現現代化時, 據我們所知, 中國將消失了。”您同意這種譯法嗎?

答:我認為原問者所提出的句子, 無論在文法上還是在意義上, 都是沒有錯誤的。As we know it 這個結構除了用作副詞外, 還可用作名詞的形容詞。China as we know it 意為“我們現在所知之中國”(as we know it 作China 的形容詞), 因而, 答者的譯文(據我們所知) 是對as we know it 的一種誤解。請看下面的實例:

  1. The contribution of the Greets was nothing less than the creation of the very idea of science as we know it. 希臘人的貢獻簡直可以說是建立了如我們今天所瞭解的“科學”這個概念。
  2. The telephone _______ was the invention of Alexander Graham Bell.
    A. as is known by us
    B. as do we know it
    C. as we know it
    D. as we know
  3. While laws of motion are simple, motion, as we see it in the world about us, certainly is not. 雖然運動定律是簡單的, 但是我們在周圍世界所看到的運動絕不是簡單的。

(參見as happens)

as 用法 12 (as / like1)

問:(1) As every other member of the team, Klaus wore an official uniform in the victory parade. (TOEFL)
(2) He works ______ engineer.
A. like
B. as
C. the same as
D. as an
(Nelson, 300A)
我總是區分不開as 與like 的用法。我覺得做這樣的題很困難。


A.作“如”、“像”、“按照”解的as 可用作連接詞, 其後可引出方式副詞子句, 即引出另一套主詞動詞結構, 在正式英語裡like 則沒有這個功能:

  1. When at Rome, do as the Romans do. 在羅馬就要像羅馬人那樣行動(入鄉隨俗) 。
  2. I want you to tell my fiend your very interesting experience exactly as you have told it to me. 我想讓你像給我講述過的那樣, 給我的朋友講一講你那段極其有趣的經歷。

B. as 和like 都可用作介係詞, 但詞義是不同的。as 表示“作為”、“以⋯ ⋯ 資格”, like 則表示“像”、“與⋯⋯ 相似”:

  1. As a scientist, he was dedicated to the truth. 作為一名科學家, 他獻身於真理。
  2. He wants me to go with him as his secretary. 他想讓我以他的秘書的身份和他一起去。
  3. Sam works like a beaver. 薩姆工作勤勤懇懇。
  4. Like every other student, Sara had difficulty with tenses. 像其他每個學生一樣, 薩拉對於時態的用法很吃力。

as 用法 13 (as / like 2)

問:She saw that there was nothing else .(TOEFL)
答案規定將like (C) 改為as, 即like 不能用作連接詞。但是, 我在英語文法書上卻看到過這樣的句子:

It was just like I imagined.


答:對於大中學生, 應明確地告訴他們: like 一般用作介係詞, 而不用作連接詞。事實上也確實如此。在正式英語裡, as 和like 的分工是很明確的。

Please try to write (as I do. / like me.)

但是英語教師和英語研究者則應掌握得多一些。雖然把like 用作從屬連接詞遭到規形容詞法學派的堅決反對, 但是這種用法在非正式的英語裡卻是很常見的。

  1. I can’t sing like I used to. 我不能像以前那樣唱歌了。
  2. He writes just like his brother did when he was young. 他現在寫文章正像他哥哥年輕時寫文章一樣。
  3. Please try to write like I do. 請儘量按我這樣寫。

as 用法 14 (as / like 3)

問:(a) She spoke as a lawyer.
(b) She spoke like a lawyer.
我看不出like 與as 有什麼區別。

答:as 和like 都可以用作介係詞, 但意義不同。as 表示“以實際的身份或地位”(actual role) 。因此, 句(a) 的意思是:“她作為律師發言。”或“她以律師的身份發言”。like 則表示“與⋯⋯ 相似”,“以與⋯⋯相類似的方式”, 因此句(b) 的意思是:“她講話很像是律師。”類似的例子:

  1. I had no success a novelist. 我作為一位小說作家並沒有獲得成功。
  2. Perhaps I can act as spokesman. 也許我能做代言人。
  3. We got on together like old friends. 我們像老朋友似地一起相處。
  4. Ever since mother came she has worked like a horse. 自從媽媽來到這裡, 就像牛馬似地辛勤勞動著。

as 用法 15 (as/ though1 (倒裝語序的as 子句與though 子句))

問:Tried ________ he was, we decided not to disturb him.
A. though
B. although
C. as
D. like
 (攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題, 84B)
謝振元教授主編的《研究生入學考試英語複習指南(1998)》(中國人民大學出版社, 1997, p. 29) 對上題作了如下解答:

形容詞(或過去分詞) + as + 主詞+ 動詞(或連綴動詞) = Although + 主詞+ 動詞(連綴動詞) + 形容詞(或過去分詞) 。例如: Diligent as he was (= Although he was diligent), he failed in the English final exam.”

上題中的Tired as he was 果真像該書所解答的那樣等於Although he was tired(盡管他很疲勞) 嗎?

答:應當搞清楚, 倒裝語序的as 子句既可以表讓步, 也可以表原因。子句子的內容來看, 試題中的子句Tired as he was, 只能是原因副詞子句, 而不可能是讓步副詞子句。因為子句對於主要句子顯然是原因關係: 由於他很疲勞, 我們決定不去打擾他。請分析下列實例:

  1. Tired as they were, they went to bed as soon as they came back. 他們由於很累, 一回到家裡就上床睡覺了。
  2. Experienced as he is in contrast to his colleagues, he can deal with any difficult situation. 由於他跟同事們相比很有經驗, 所以他能對付任何困難的局面。
  3. Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking, I beg your indulgence for my few inelegant words. 由於我不習慣於發表演說, 有些話講得不大得體, 敬請原諒。

只有在讓步副詞子句裡, 這種特殊語序中的as 才是可以用though 來替換的:

  1. Tired as they were (= Tired though they were), Jurgis and Ona sat up late. 儘管朱爾金斯和奧納很疲憊, 但是他們很晚才睡。
  2. Poor as he was(= Poor though he was), he was honest. 雖然他很窮, 但是很誠實。

(參見though3 )

as 用法 16 (as / though 2)

問:_______, he does get irritated with her sometimes.
A. As he likes her much
B. Much though he likes her
C. Though much he likes her
D. Much as he likes her
 (1992 年攻讀碩士學位研究生入學考試英語試題)
正確答案規定為D(Much as he likes her), 而把B(Much though he likes her) 判為錯誤。另外, 王長喜教授主編的《1995 年碩士研究生入學英語考試必備》(中國人民大學出版社, p.166) 強調指出:“B 中的though 不能用於含有倒裝結構的強調句中⋯⋯”。張錦芯教授主編的《1998 年碩士研究生入學英語考試應試指南》(中國人民大學出版社, 1997) 還進一步發揮了這個說法:“但這裡卻不能用though 替代(as), 因為如果用though, 子句必須保持正常語序, 即though he likes her much…”(p. 196) 。但我仍堅持認為B 也是完全正確的。不知我的看法對否?

答:選B 和選D 是同樣正確的。讓我們先來看看權威語言學家R. Quirk 等人的論述:

“…concessive clauses sometimes have an unusual syntactic orderings when the subordinator is as or though. In a rather formal style, the predication in the concessive clause may be fronted”.(“當從屬連接詞是as 或though 時, 讓步副詞子句有時可採用異常的語序。在相當正式的語體裡, 讓步副詞子句的謂體可以放在句首”) 。

  1. Genius though she was, she was quite unassuming. 雖然她是個天才, 但是她很謙遜。
  2. Fail though I did, I would not abandon my goal. 雖然我失敗了, 但是我不會放棄我的目標。


  1. Modest though his needs were, he found it hard to get by on his income. 雖然他的需求並不高, 但是他發現靠他的收入還是難以度日。
  2. Much though I admire her, I cannot excuse her faults. 雖然我非常崇拜她, 但我不能原諒她的錯誤。

如果說as 與though 有什麼區別的話, 那就是as 採用這種語序是強制性的(即具有讓步含義的as 不能放在句首), 而though 採用這種語序則不是強制性的(即從屬連接詞though 亦可放在句首) 。

as 用法 17 (as / though 3)

問:Try _______ I may, I don’t think I’ll succeed.
A. as
B. even if
C. although
D. though
(《大學英語詞彙與結構》, 國防科技大學出版社p.67)
書上給的答案是A(as) 。但我認為D(though) 也是正確的。不知您以為然否?

答:見as / though2

as 用法 18 (as do I/ as I do)

問:He was delighted as were we all.
as 子句的語序是否應改為as we all were?

答:表示比較或方式的as 子句一般採用正裝語序:

  1. When at Rome do as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗。
  2. George writes as his father did. 喬治像他爸爸那樣寫作。

但是, 在正式語體裡, as子句有時也採用倒裝語序(但不是強制性的, 而是選擇性的) :

  1. he looks forward, as does her secretary, to the completion of the building. 她像她秘書那樣盼望工程竣工。
  2. They go to the concerts frequently, as do I. 他們像我一樣, 經常去聽音樂會。
  3. He believed, as did all his family, that the King was their supreme lord. 他和他全家人一樣, 都認為國王是他們至高無上的主人。

as 用法 19 (as / while)

問:I’m going to the post office. __________ you’re there, can you get me some maps?
A. As
B. While
C. Because
D. If (全國高考英語試題, 1999)
我在高考中選了A, 但答案卻是B。我至今不悟: 為什麼不能選A 呢? 後來我在《英語沙龍》1999 年第11 期(p. 51) 看到對上題的解答。那上面說, 不能選A 的原因, 是因為as 表示“‘一邊⋯⋯ 一邊􊳰, 主子句中的動詞的動作同時進行。如: He sang as worked.他一邊工作, 一邊唱歌”。難道引導時間副詞子句的as 只有這麼一種含義嗎?

答:可以想像得出, 出題者的意圖是: while 引導持續時間副詞, 而as 引導非持續時間副詞, 因而不能表達主要句子動作發生的持續時間背景。出題者也可能認為, as 只能表示“ 隨著”、“一邊⋯⋯ 一邊”的意思。其實, as 既可以引導非持續時間副詞(A), 也可以引導持續時間副詞(B) :

1. He came just as I reached the door. (as 引導的子句表示瞬間, 即時間點) 當我剛到達門口的時候, 他就來了。
2. As they opened the door on the ground floor, Marie said, “Don’t light the lamps. Look!”當他們打開一樓的門時,瑪麗說“: 別開燈。你瞧!”

1. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _______ Father was away in France.
A. as
B. that
C. during
D. if
2. Balloons and light aeroplanes can be used to pull huge signs as they fly slowly over a city. 可以用氣球和輕型飛機拖帶大型廣告在城市上空慢慢地飛翔。
3. As I was walking one day in Hyde Park, I noticed two elderly ladies.有一天, 當我在海德公園漫步的時候, 我看到了兩位老年婦女。
4. As he stood there he saw two men enter the house. (as 引導的子句作持續時間副詞, 可以用when 或while 來替換) 當你在美術館參觀時, 去看一看特納的繪畫。
5. As he stood there he saw two men enter the house. (as = while = during the time) 當他站在那裡的時候, 看到兩個男人走進了那所房子。

OGEG 明確指出:

While and as suggest something continuing for a period of time.
As we were cycling along, we saw a fox.
The doorbell rang as/while I was changing.”
(“while 和as 可表示某事繼續一段時間⋯ ⋯”) 。

據此, 我們有充分的理由說, 上面試題中選擇項A(as) 也是同樣正確的。

as 用法 20 (as / while / as long as)

問:R. Quirk 等編著的《英語文法大全》(華東師大出版社, p. 1497) 說:“當as, as longas, so long as, while 和whilst 用作時間連接詞時, 總是表示同時性。在這些從屬連接詞中最後四個詞引導的時間分句均為持續時間副詞。”
請問as 引導的子句永遠不能作持續時間副詞嗎?

答:R. Quirk 等人沒有把這個問題說清楚。事實上, as 引導的子句除可作非持續時間副詞之外, 也可以作持續時間副詞, 詳情見as 用法19 。



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