little 用法 1 (a little cake)

問:a little cake 中的little 是什麼意思?

答:a little cake 中的little 可以作兩種解釋: (1) 把little 分析為形容詞, 意為“小的”(small), 如a little girl, a little house, 因此, a little cake 意為“一塊小餅”; (2) 把little 分析為量詞, a little 意為“一點兒”(a small amount), 如a little oil, a little money, a little time, 因此, a little cake 意為“一點兒餅”、“少量的餅”。

little 用法 2 (little vs a little)

問:One bad winter we attached the river creep up the lower meadows. All the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little. (New Concept English, Book 3, p.136)
[原譯] 一個氣候壞的冬季, 我們眼看著河水漫到較低的草地上, 所有的家畜都趕到了廄裡, 我們會蒙受一點損失。(《新概念英語》(三), 安徽科技出版社版,p.226)
原譯文將little 譯為“一點”, 是否恰當?

答:我們在學習英語時, 應當特別注意, 用作副詞或形容詞的little 用法, 如同形容詞few 一樣, 雖然在形態上是肯定的, 但是在語意和句法特徵上卻是否定的。翻譯時必須把這種否定意義給表達出來(欲了解little 用法為什麼具有否定意義, 請見few/ a few) :

  1. This problem has been little studied.
  2. He little realizes the danger he is in.

還應強調指出, 不僅用作副詞的little, 而且用作形容詞和名詞的little, 也常常具有這種否定意義。類似的例子:

  1. According to some scientists, there may be little oil left in the world by the end of this century.
    按照某些科學家的說法, 到本世紀末世界上的石油也許所剩無幾了。
  2. Unlike writing a picture of sketch needs little translation.
    圖畫或草圖與文字不同, 幾乎不需要翻譯。
  3. Little remains to be said.
  4. We have made little use of the great amount of energy available to us from the sun.

你所提問的句子誤譯的原因, 可能是譯者忽略了little 與a little 的區別。a little 帶有肯定的意思, 可譯為“一些”、“ 一點兒”。例如:

We have gathered a little information about Saturn’s moons.

試比較以下有關little 用法的例句:

a) Hurry up, we have little time to waste.
趕快! 我們不能再浪費時間了。
b) Don’t hurry. We’ve a little time before the train comes in.

1.“You look thinner. Are you still dieting?”
“Yes, I still eat _____ bread.”
A. many
B. a little
C. a lot
D. so little
2. Although he’s wealthy he spends _______ on clothes.
A. little
B. few
C. a little
D. a few

little 用法 3 (little/no/small wonder)

wonder 用法

little 用法 4 (little/small)

問:學生常常問到形容詞little 與small 的區別, 我回答不好, 請幫助。

答:作“小的”解的small 主要用於指“尺寸”、“重量”等, 沒有什麼感情色彩, 只是說not big, not large。而作“小的”解的little 則帶有感情色彩(喜愛或厭惡) 。請比較

the small girl (指矮小) / the little girl (指小而可愛)
the small boy (指矮小) / that naughty little boy (那個頑皮的小孩子)


  1. The boy is small for this age.
    就年齡而論, 這個孩子的個頭兒顯得矮小。
  2. This hat is too small for me.
  3. The little dog followed the boy everywhere.

little 用法5 (quite a little)

quite 用法

little 用法 6 (little better/ a little better)

問:(A) That’s little better than nothing.
(B) That’s a little better than nothing.

答:這兩個句子所表達的意思完全不同。請注意句(A) 中little 的否定含義。它的意思:“那簡直是等於沒有。”句(B) 的意思是:“這比沒有還是強點兒(聊勝於無) 。”更詳細的情形, 請見little more than, little less than。

little 用法 7 (little does he)

問:Little does he realize how important this meeting is. (他對這次會議的重要性不大瞭解。) 請說明does 的作用。

答:little, few, hardly, rarely, seldom, scarcely 這些半否定詞, 如果位於句首, 在正式語體中, 就要求主動詞實行部分倒裝, 即little (few, hardly, rarely, seldom, scarcely) + 助動詞+ 主詞+ 一般動詞。如果在正裝的句子裡沒有助動詞, 就需要在倒裝句子裡添加助動詞do (does, did) 來實現主動詞的部分倒裝。

  1. Little does he care whether we live or die.
  2. Rarely does the temperature go above ninety in San Juan.
  3. Seldom has there been so much protest against the Bomb.

Scarcely _________ such a nice girl.
A. I have met
B. have I met
C. I had met
D. had I met
(參見never 用法3)

little 用法 8 (little larger than)

問:When we have harnessed nuclear energy for space flight, the solar system will contract until it is little larger than the earth today.
當我們將來利用原子能進行宇宙飛行的時候, 太陽系就縮小到比今日的地球大一點兒。

答:這種譯法是錯誤的。little 在這裡具有否定意義。little larger than, 如同no more than, little more than, never more than 一樣, 都是表達“言其小(少) ”的口氣的(見no more than1,2, little more than)
[試譯] ⋯⋯太陽系就會縮小得差不多像今日的地球那麼小。

little 用法 9 (little less than/a little less than)

問:He is little less capable than his elder brother.

答:這種譯法是完全錯誤的。應牢記, little 在這裡仍具有否定意義。little less than 是little more than 的反義詞項。我們已經知道, no more than 和little more than 是表達“言其少(小, 弱)”的口氣的, 而little less than 則是表達“言其多(大、強)”的口氣的。因此, 上面的句子的意思是:“他的能力跟他哥哥(的能力) 一樣強。”或“他跟他哥哥一樣能幹。”
請注意下列實例中的little less than 的真正含義及其譯法:

  1. The holiday was little less than a disaster.
  2. His behaviour is little less than disgraceful.
  3. It’s little less than robbery!

請注意, a little less than 才是“比⋯⋯ 少一點”、“比⋯ ⋯差一點”的意思:

  1. He is a little less capable than his elder brother.
  2. Ten is a little less than twelve.
    10 比12 少一點。

little 用法 10 (little more than/ a little more than)

問:But let us suppose that the Atlantic Ocean is now regularly crossed by enormous hovercraft. The hovercraft, with a thousand motor-cars on board, moves at 100 miles per hour, and is across the Atlantic in little more than one day. (復旦大學《英語》(三) p.168)
[原譯] 讓我們設想, 現在有許多氣墊船定期跨越大西洋航行。裝運上千輛汽車的氣墊船的航速每小時一百英里, 氣墊船花一天多點時間就跨越了大西洋。(《教參》, p.185)

答:little more than, 如同no more than 一樣, 並不是用來表示精確的數字, 而是用來表達“言其少”的口氣的(見no more than) 。請記住little 在這裡仍具有否定意義。a little more than 才是表示“比⋯⋯ 多一點兒”的意思。例如:

  1. 50 grams, no, a little more than that.
    50 克, 不, 比50 克多一點兒。
  2. He spent a little more than twenty dollars.
    他花了20 美元多一點兒。


  1. It’s worth little more than a shilling.
  2. He left little more than an hour ago.

這個結構之所以常常被誤解, 一是因為一般辭書上不易查到, 二是因為辭書對此往往作了錯誤的解釋。例如,《英俄大詞典》將little more than 譯成了“несколькобольше”(比⋯⋯ 多一點兒) 。
[試譯] ⋯⋯氣墊船只消花上一天的時間就能渡過大西洋。

little more than 與非數量名詞連用, 一般可譯為“只不過”、“僅僅”。

The American working man fought hard to achieve what he has. In the beginning he was little more than a slave.

little 用法 11 (not a little/not a bit/not in the least)

問:He was _______ surprised, because it came so unexpectedly.
A. little
B. but a little
C. only a little
D. not a little
書中給的正確答案是D(not a little) 。這使我大為不解。not a little 作“一點兒也不”解, 全句的意思豈不成了:“我一點兒也不吃驚, 因為事情來得太突然”? 這句話顯然是不合邏輯的。

答:看來, 你是把not a little 用法與not a bit 或not in the least 的詞義弄混了。not a bit 和not in the least 作“一點兒也不”解, 而not a little 則作“許多”、“很多”、“很”、“大大地”解, 相當於quite a little。not a little angry 不是指“一點兒也不生氣”, 而是指“很生氣”。not a little trouble 不是指“一點兒麻煩也沒有”, 而是指“許多麻煩”。

  1. He spent not a little on books. 他花在買書上的錢很多。
  2. He has got quite a little news. 他有許多好消息。
  3. I was not a little annoyed. 我極為苦惱。



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