問:Could you tell me the reason why she refused to go abroad?
鄭孝通編著《高中英語重點· 難點縱橫談》(二) (中國科技大學出版社, 1997, p. 177) 說上面句中的why 子句是同位語子句。但我認為是形容詞子句, 不知您以為然否?

答:雖然《高級英語文法》(高教出版社, 1994, p. 794) 等英語著作都把上句中的why 子句看作是同位語子句, 但是我們卻認為它是限制性形容詞子句。應當注意, 在the reason why(that) 結構中, whythat 是關係副詞, 而不是像在同位語子句中那樣是連接詞。讓我們看一看R. Quirk 等人對這一結構的分析:

Where and when, and to a lesser extent why, are also used as relatives…”(CGEL §7. 53)
(“where 和when 以及較少使用的why 還可用作關係副詞…”)
“The preposition + pronoun can be replaced by special adverbs, e g: That’s the reason? for which why she spoke. (CGEL § 17, 18) ”
(“介係詞+ 代名詞”可以用特殊的副詞代替, 例如⋯⋯”)
“The rare use of for which after reason strikes most people as clumsy and unnatural, while the reason why seems tautologous; there is general preference for zero [5a]…
Is that the reason they came? [5a]”(CGEL, § 17. 19)
[“reason 之後接for which 鮮為人用, 因為大多數人都覺得它累贅, 不自然, 而the reason why 又顯得語意重複, 人們普遍喜歡使用零關係副詞(例[5a]…) ”]
請注意CGEL 的作者們把why 或that 明確地叫做關係副詞, 而把省略掉的why 或that 叫做零關係副詞。

讓我們再來比較一下真正的同位語子句, 便可看出the reason why 與它們之間的區別:

  1. The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true. 明天放假的消息是不真實的。
  2. Your original question, why he did not report it to the police earlier, has not yet been answered. 你最初提出的他為什麼不早些報警的問題尚未得到回答。

很容易看出, 同位語子句的第一個特點, 是同位語子句所表達的概念在內涵上應當等同於其中心詞:

  • the news = we are having a holiday tomorrow
  • your original question = why he did not report it to the police earlier

而the reason 與why 子句卻不存在這種關係:

  • the reason≠ she refused to go abroad
  • the reason≠ she spoke

同位語子句的第二個特點, 是可以用中心詞作主詞, 而把同位語子句改為述語子句。
此時, 句子在內容上是成立的。

  • The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow it not true.
    → The news is that we are having a holiday tomorrow.
  • Your original question, why he did not report it to the police earlier, has not yet been answered.
    → Your original question is why he did not report it to the police earlier.

而the reason why 卻不能這樣進行改寫:

綜上所述可見, 在the reason why (that) 結構中why (that) 引導的是形容詞子句, 而並不是同位語子句。




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