regret 用法 1 (regret doing / regret to do 1)

問:(A) I regret telling you…
(B) I regret to tell you…
請問句型(A) 與句型(B) 有無區別?

答:這兩個句型的regret 用法和所表達的意義是完全不同的。regret doing 通常表示對曾經做過或發生過的某事表示後悔或遺憾(即doing 這個動作發生在regret 之前), 而regret to do 則表示對將要做某事表示遺憾(即to do 這個動作發生在regret 之後或同時) 。請分析下面的例句:

  1. I regret telling you that John stole it. (I regret that I told you that John stole it)
  2. You will never regret seeing the film.
    你看了這部電影, 決不會後悔的。
  3. I regret having called him a thief, but I regret even more his stealing my watch!
    我很後悔把他叫做小偷, 但我更後悔的是他偷了我的表!
  4. I regret to tell you that John stole it. (I regret that I am about to tell you that John stole it.)
    我很遺憾地告訴你: 我父親病了。
  5. I regret to tell you that John stole it. (I regret that I am about to tell you that John stole it.)
  6. I regret to inform you that I am unable to help you.

有時, regret doing 也可表示對現在或將來要做的或要發生的事情表示遺憾, 見下條。

regret 用法 2 (regret doing / to do 2)

問:您在上條中說, regret doing 通常表示對曾經做過的或發生過的事情表示後悔或遺憾。它能否表示對現在要做的或即將發生的事情表示遺憾呢?

答:regret 用法與forget, remember 的用法不同, 它與V-ing 連用時, 也可以表示對現在要做的事情或即將發生的事情表示遺憾, 即V-ing 不是表示過去, 而是表示現在或將來(regret 在先, doing 在後) :

  1. I regret being unable to help. = I regret that I cannot help. = I am unable to help, so I feel sorry.
    我不能幫助你, 非常遺憾。
  2. I really regret leaving (= I am sorry that I have to leave) the party so early like this.
    我不得不這麼早就離開聚會, 真的感到很遺憾。
  3. He said he much regretted not being able to help.
    他說他幫不上忙, 深感遺憾。

由於regret doing 結構具有本條和上條所述的含義, 所以, 在沒有上下文或語境的條件下, 它有時候是有歧義的:

I regret leaving the firm after twenty years.
a) 我在這家公司工作了20 年, 現在要離開, 感到很遺憾。
b) 我很後悔在工作20 年之後離開了那家公司。

當regret 用於其他時態時, 就不會出現這種歧義:

I have often regretted leaving the police force.

當表達對即將傳達的不好的消息表示遺憾時, 人們常常使用regret to say/ tell/ inform/ announce that 結構, 見上條。I regret to say/ tell/ inform/ announce 在語意上等於I‘m sorry to say…只是在語體上比後者正式, 因而, 常常用在正式的書信中。

regret 用法 3 (regret having done/ doing)

問:在regret doing 這個結構中, 既然doing 是指過去做過的事情, 那麼regret having done 是否應被看作是多餘的? 如果不是多餘的, 這兩種結構區別何在?

答:regret having done 並非是多餘的。說話人為了強調“業已完成”這一概念, 也可以採用regret having done 這一格式。這就是說regret doing 與regret having done 這兩個格式是並存的。

  1. You’ll regret having said those words!
  2. I regret having interrupted you.
  3. He soon began to regret having run away from home.

從語意上看, regret doing 與regret having done 這兩個結構所表達的意思是相同的:

We regretted (leaving early. / having left early.)

1. – You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
– Well, now I regret ________ that.
A. to do
B. to be doing
C. to have done
D. having done
2. John regretted _________ to the meeting last week.
A. not going
B. not to go
C. not having been going
D. not to be going



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