ever 用法1

問:Is he ever at home ?
[原譯] 他有在家的時候嗎? (《英語常用詞用法詞典》, 外研社, p. 129)

答:ever 用法放在疑問句或否定句中與一般現在式連用時, 在於表達現在的習慣性動作或重複性動作。因此上面的句子似應譯為: 他平常在家嗎? 下列例句有助於我們理解ever的此種含義:

  1. Do you ever eat meat? No, I never eat meat.
    你平時吃肉嗎? 不, 我從不吃肉。
  2. Does anyone ever visit them?
  3. You are scarcely ever at home.

ever 用法2

問:(a) He is ever hopeful.
(b) I am ever open to new ideas.
請問上面的ever 是什麼意思?

答:上面的ever 用法相當於always (永遠, 總是), 但是這種用法很正式。人們更常使用的是always。類似的例子:

  1. You will find me ever at your service. 你會發現我隨時都願為你效勞。
  2. He is ever ready to find fault. 他總是愛挑毛病。
  3. He is ever repeating the same words. 他總是重複同樣的話。
  4. She is ever disappointed. 她總是失望。

ever 用法3 (與形容詞最高級連用的ever)

問:(a)‘War and Peace’is the longest book(that) I have ever read.(LEG)
(b) He is one of the wittiest men I ever came across.
句(a) 中的ever 與現在完成式連用, 是我經常遇到的, 但在句(b) 中, ever 與過去式連用, 不知是否正確?

答:帶有形容詞最高級的名詞片語, 其形容詞子句中的ever 既可與現在完成時連用, 亦可與過去式連用。例如:

  1. It’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard in my life.
  2. How was your math exam ?” “It was the hardest test I have ______ seen.”
    A. ever
    B. never
    C. not ever
    D. never not

ever 用法4 (ever/ yet)

問:The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machine _______.
A. ever
B. thus
C. yet
D. as
(大學英語四級試題, 1996. 1-47)
答案為A(ever) 。但是我認為選項C(yet) 也是正確的。因為yet 也可以用在充當後置形容詞的過去分詞片語中:
Cave paintings have been found which are at least 20,000 years old and are perhaps the oldest form of art yet discovered on the earth.
這裡發現了至少有20000 年之久的石窟壁畫, 可能是迄今世界上所發現的最古老的藝術作品。

答:在此種用法中ever 用法與yet 的不同之處在於後者通常與形容詞的最高級連用:

  1. the highest building yet constructed.
  2. her best novel yet
  3. This is the most effective of all drugs against cancer yet identified.
    在迄今為止已經發現的抗癌藥物中, 這一種是最有效的。

[句意] 電腦由於具有存儲知識的能力, 有別於迄今所發明的任何其他機器。
[附注] 有時也能遇到反例:

…no machine yet invented can hear or scent an intruder at some distance…(上海編《高中英語》, 2B, p. 91)
迄今所發明的機械都不能在很遠的距離聽到或嗅出闖入者⋯ ⋯

ever 用法 5 (ever since/ since)

since 12

ever 用法 6 (if ever/ seldom)




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