should 用法1

問:1. I’m surprised that he (feels lonely. (A) / should feel lonely. (B))
2. I’m surprised that your wife (objects. (A) / should object.(B)
上面句子裡的feels 與should feel, object 與should object 有什麼區別?

答:英語裡有些與感情有關的形容詞, 如surprised, sorry, fortunate, astonished, strange, depressed, amused, annoyed, curious, grateful, proud, thankful, shocked, pleased 等等, 它們的補語子句(that 子句) 可以採用兩種動詞形式: 動詞陳述形式(feels, objects) 和should + 原形動詞(should feel, should object) 。這種should 用法在英語文法書上叫做putative“should”。有人將它譯作推定意義的should, 又有人將它譯作表示假設的should。由此, 我們可以看出上面兩種句式在意義上的區別。句式(A) 表達的是一種事實(即“他感到孤獨”和“你妻子反對”是的的確確的事實), 而句式(B) 則僅僅把情景看成是可能存在的, 也就是說, 對這種情景的存在表示懷疑。這兩種句式在語意上的區分雖然很細微, 但是我們在翻譯時, 還是能夠區分開來的:

  1. 他感到孤獨, 我很驚訝。(A)
    他竟然會感到孤獨, 真使我驚訝。(B)
  2. 你的妻子表示反對, 我很驚訝。(A)
    你的妻子竟然會表示反對, 真使我感到驚訝。(B)

should 用法 2

問:Well, sir, don’t ask me. They are the people here. They should know.
我們大家對句中的should know 有不同的理解。有的說should know 是指“應當知道”, 有的則說是“可能知道”。請分析。

答:人人皆知, should 可用於表示“應該”(義務、責任)

  1. You should pay your debts.
  2. The floor should be washed at least once a week.

should 的第二個常見含義是表示“該”、“可能”(推論, 推測) :

  1. The report is written after careful investigation, so it should be reliable..(《新英漢詞典》)
    這份報告是經過周密的調查才寫成的, 因此, 應該是可靠的。
  2. We needn’t get ready yet; the guests shouldn’t come for another hour.
    我們還用不著準備好; 客人在一小時之內可能還來不了。

從具有這兩種不同意義的should 的否定形式, 更可以看出它們之間的區別:

  1. You shouldn’t tell lies.
  2. The guests shouldn’t come for another hour.

把should 的這兩個不同的含義用在你所提問的句子裡, 都是講得通的:

  • (a) 哎, 先生, 不要問我。他們是這裡的人。他們應該知道。(They have a duty to know.)
  • (b) …他們可能(也許) 知道。(It’s probable that they know.)

should 用法 3

問:The committee decided that measures should be taken immediately to reduce air pollution near that petrochemical base. (上海交大出版社《英語》(二), p.263)
[原譯] 委員會決定應該立即採取措施減少那個石油化工基地附近的空氣污染現象。(教參)
譯文把“決定”和“ 應該”連在一起使用, 是不符合中文習慣的。但是原文確實是decided + should, 這究竟是怎麼回事呢?

答:這裡的毛病還是出在對should 的理解上。我們應當記住, 在agree, ask, command, decide, arrange, demand, insist, require, propose, recommend, order, urge 等動詞的受詞子句中, 動詞常常使用should + 原形動詞的格式或者採用原形動詞(尤其在美式英語中) 。這種用法的should 在翻譯成中文時, 一般是不能譯為“應當”的。


  1. He agreed that Tom and Ann should share the prize. 他同意湯姆和安分享這份獎賞。
  2. I arranged that Tom should meet them. 我安排湯姆去接他們。
  3. He commanded that they should come early. 他命令他們早點兒來。
  4. They decided that the profits should be divided equally. 他們決定利潤平分。


should 用法 4

問:The hypothesis of the existence of three different quarks with specific properties of their own, was put forward in 1962 by Murray Gell-Mann. The extraordinary thing about quarks is that they should have a completely different electric charge. (北大出版社《英語》(三), p.108)
[原譯] 存在三種不同的, 各有特色的誇克這個假說是格爾曼在1962 年提出來的。
誇克僅僅“可能帶有完全不同的電荷”, 怎麼就會成為“異乎尋常的事”呢? 請分析。

答:請注意在上例中, should 的情態意味並不是“ 可能”, 而是: 作者由於出乎意料之外而感到驚奇。這種用法的should 可以翻譯成“ 竟然”、“ 居然”, 也可以不翻譯出來。例如:

  1. It is most unreasonable that the had won her heart and should have jilted her soon afterwards.
    在他贏得她歡心之後, 居然很快就拋棄了她, 這真是太荒唐了(should 表示出乎意料之外和不滿) 。
  2. It’s wonderful that you should have achieved so much in these years.
    這幾年來你們竟取得了這麼大的成就, 真了不起(should 表示意外和讚歎) 。
  3. Strange that I should have forgotten its name!
    說也奇怪, 我竟然忘記了它的名字(should 表示惋惜、遺憾)!
  4. It’s unthinkable that he should be so foolish.
    他居然這樣愚笨, 真是不可想像(should 表示意外和吃驚) 。
  5. That such a change should have taken place was incredible to him.
    竟然發生了這種變化, 對他來說是難以置信的。
  6. It is hardly credible that time should have passed so quickly.
    時間竟過得這麼快, 簡直難以置信。

should 用法 5

問:Though the whole word should condemn him, I will still believe in him.
請說明句中的 should 用法。

答:在正式語體裡, 讓步副詞子句有時採用be 型假設語氣、were 型假設語氣或should be 型假設語氣。上句中的should condemn 亦可改為condemn。在上面的幾種假設語氣表達方式之中, be假設語氣用得較多。

should 用法 6

問:I arrived early in order that I should get a good view of the procession.
請問句中的should 是什麼意思?

答:如同在so that 引導的目的副詞子句中一樣, 在in order that 引導的目的副詞子句中, 常常需要使用一個情態動詞, 如may, might, should 等。其中的should 可理解為構成假設語氣的詞項。並沒有什麼具體的語彙意義, 往往不必譯出。

  1. And I have come all the way from Vienna in order that you should thoroughly understand me.
    我大老遠特地從維也納來到這裡, 是為了讓你徹底瞭解我。
  2. She averted her face so that the child should not see her tears.
    她轉過臉去, 免得孩子看見她的眼淚。

should 用法 7

問:Three hours ought to be enough time, _______?
A. oughtn’t three times
B. didn’t they
C. shouldn’t it
D. shouldn’t three hours
答案為C。這是我所不能理解的: 反意問句中用shouldn’t it, 而不用oughtn’t it

答:見oughtn’t / shouldn’t

should 用法 8 (should be/ be)

問:She insisted that they should give her a receipt.
Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL(p.41) 認為應將上面的句子改為She insisted that they give her a receipt. 上面的句子如果不改, 不是也可以接受的嗎?

答:TOEFL 所確定的宗旨是考核學生掌握正式場合使用的書面英語(formal, written English) 或標準書面英語(standard written English) 的能力。按照出題者的觀點, should give 或者是不可接受的或者只用於口語。我們認為, 這種觀點有獨尊美式英語而忽視英式英語之嫌。不可否認, 即使在英式英語中現在式假設式(be) 也比should b e 更加正式。但是, should be 是不是只用於口語, 而不能用於standard written English (標準書面英語) 呢? 有英文原文閱讀經驗的人都知道, insist (require, command, suggest, propose, demand, recommend) that he should be 句型大量出現在科技英語、語言學等嚴肅的論說文章中。請看下面的實例:

  1. I insisted that he(should) change his clothes
  2. He suggested that this state should be known as the “radiant”

should 用法 9 (should have done1)

問:I told him that he _______ worked much harder.
A. should have
B. shall have
C. will have
D. could have
請就此題分析should have done 的用法和含義。

答:should + 完成式不是表示“應該去做某事”, 而是表示“本應該做某事, 而實際上並沒有做”。例如:

  1. You should have written to your mother.
    你本應該給你母親寫信(實際上至今沒有寫) 。
  2. He should have come earlier.
    他應該早點兒來(實際上來晚了) 。
  3. The plant is dead. Maybe I should have given it more water.
  4. How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods and fields, the days when I had played and should have studied. (許國璋《英語》)
    我多麼後悔浪費在樹林和田野裡的時光, 那些我本該讀書卻只顧玩耍的日子。

1. I regret having left the work unfinished; I should plan everything ahead certainly.
2. “John didn’t come to see me this morning.” “I ________ him last night but I was too busy.”
A. should telephone
B. should have telephoned
C. had to telephone
D. ought to telephone

should 用法 10 (should have done2)

問:You should have switched off the electric current.
[原譯] 你應把電源切斷。(《科技英語句子結構》, 上海科技出版社, p.83)

答:如前所述, should have + V-ed 可用來表示應該進行而實際上沒有進行的動作。但譯文未能把這一層意義表達出來。因為“你應該把電源切斷”這句話也可以理解為指現在或將來。
[試譯] 你本應該把電源切斷的。
(參見should 用法9)

should 用法 11 (should have done3)

問:The o’clock. She should have arrived in her office by now.
您在前面講過, should have done 表示“本應該做某事而實際上並沒有做。”上面這句話是否也表示這個意思?

答:should have done 除了表示“本應該做某事而實際並沒有做”這層意思之外, 還可以表示“推論”、“推測”(參見must, ought to) 。所以上面的句子應譯為“ 十點了。她此刻應該到達辦公室了。”

“Elizabeth borrowed the book a month ago.”“Then she should _______ it by now.”
A. to finish
B. have finished
C. finish
D. had finished.
(參見should 用法12)

should 用法 12 (should have done 4)

問:Our visitors should have arrived at the airport by now.

答:在沒有上下文的條件下, should + 完成式的最常見用法, 就是表達“本應該做而實際上沒有做某事”(If you say that something should have happened, you mean that it did not happen, but you expected it to happen or you wish that it had happened.) 例如:

  1. You should have thought about that before you invited her.
  2. You should have washed the wound. (But you haven’t)

但是, 你提出的句子, 由於受by now 的制約, 具有另外的含義。在這裡, 助動詞should 表示“推測”、“估計”(If you say that something should have happened by now, you mean that it has probably happened by now) 。例如:

  1. Have you heard from Maria? She should have  started her job on Monday.
    你收到瑪麗亞的信了嗎? 她也許在星期一就開始工作了。
  2. Dear Mom, you should have heard by now that I’m O.K.
    親愛的媽媽, 你可能已經聽說我一切都好。

按照後一種理解, 你提出的句子似應譯為: 我們的客人此刻應該到達機場了。

should 用法 13 (should have thought)

問:《現代英語用法詞典》將I should have thought 譯為“我會以為”, 並舉出了下列例句:
Is she only thirty-five? I should have thought she was much older.
問題是, 用“我會以為”來翻譯這一例句中的I should have thought 是行不通的。這是為什麼呢?

答:I should have thought 有時具有這樣的含義: 我原來以為如何如何, 但我錯了。但是有時也表示驚訝或批評:

  1. 20 degrees? I should have thought it was colder than that if you hadn’t told me.
    20 度? 如果你沒有告訴我的話, 我還以為氣溫比這低呢。
  2. I should have thought he could have washed his hands, at least.


她才35 歲嗎? 我原來以為她的年紀比這大多了。

should 用法 14 (should I be free)

問:Should I be free tomorrow, I will come. 請問句中的should I b e 是什麼句型?

答:上面的句子= If I should be free, I will come。這種條件子句(包括真實條件子句與假設條件子句) 可以通過主謂倒裝來取消連接詞, 不妨稱做無連接詞條件子句。根據現代語言學家的觀點, 這種句型大都用於多少帶有一些文學色彩的語體中:

  1. Should she be interested, I’ll phone her.
    要是她感興趣的話, 我就打電話給她。
  2. Should you change your mind, no one would blame you.
    要是你改變主意的話, 誰也不會責怪你。
  3. Should you be interested I’ll tell you the whole story.
    要是你感興趣的話, 我就把這事原原本本告訴你。

除了should 之外, had, were 也可以用在無連接詞條件子句中(見had he been, were1,2, 3)

should 用法 15 (should I not be/ shouldn’t I be (?))

問:Shouldn’t I be here when you get back, please do wait for me.
你回來時如果我不在, 請務必等我。

答:上面的英文句子是錯誤的, 因為在無連接詞條件子句裡, not 必須放在主詞之後:

  1. Should I not be here
  2. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it.
    要不是我親眼看到了它的話, 我是不會相信的。

should 用法 16 (Should you/ If you should)

問:(A) Should you be interested in our offer, please contact us.
(B) If you should be interested in our offer, please contact us.
如果你對我們的報價感興趣, 請同我們聯繫。

答:含有if 的條件子句和無if 的條件子句, 在語意方面是沒有區別的。但在語體上和使用頻率上是有區別的。句(A) 比較正式, 主要用於公文和嚴肅的論說語體中, 而在口語中用得比較少(參見conditional clause without conjunction)

should 用法 17 (If it should rain/ If it were to rain)

If it rained

should 用法 18 (If she should…I will)

問:If she should be interested, I’ll phone her. 子句中的should 是表示假設條件嗎?

答:should 在這裡不是表示假設語氣。if 子句是個真實條件句。如果if 子句在假設條件(非真實條件) 句子之後, 則主句應當使用would 等助動詞。請比較: If it should rain, I wouldn’t go.問句中的should 與此不同, 它只是表示“無把握性”, 也就是說, 說話人並沒有把“她感興趣”看作是確實存在的一個事實(即should 表示與事實有很大的距離或偶然的可能性) 。例如:

  1. Should I be free tomorrow, I will come.
  2. If it should rain, he will not come.
    要是下雨的話, 他就不來了。
  3. We’ll just go to bed earlier than usual if the lights should go out.
    要是停電的話, 我們就提前睡覺。

should 用法 19 (If you should do/ If you do)

問:“What can I do for you?”“ If you see Mr. Allen, give him my regards.”
A. should
B. would
C. shall
D. will
答案規定選(A), 但我不明白為什麼要選(A) 。If you see Mr. Allen, give him my regards. 不是很規範的英語句子嗎?

答:if + 動詞現在式, 是規範的英語真實條件子句。同樣, if + should + 動詞不定詞, 也是規範的真實條件子句。兩者的區別, 僅僅在於後者增加了條件的不確定性。

  1. (A) If you are interested, I will send you a copy of my book.
    如果你感興趣, 我將把我的書送給你一本。
    (B) If you should be interest ed, I will send you a copy of my book.
    要是你感興趣的話, 我將把我的書送給你一本。
  2. (A) If you leave him, he will kill himself.
    如果你離開他, 他會自殺的。
    (B) If you should leave him, he will kill himself.
    要是你離開他的話, 他會自殺的。
  3. (A) If I see Mr. Allen, I’ll ask him to ring you.
    如果我見到艾倫先生, 我叫他給你打電話。
    (B) If I should see Mr. Allen, I’ll ask him to ring you.

要是我能見到艾倫先生的話, 我叫他給你打電話。

在句(B) 中, 如果主句是一個祈使句, 如你所提出的試題那樣, 常常用於表達禮貌地請求或建議:

  1. If he should call, tell him I’ll ring back.
    要是他來電話, 請告訴他我將給他回電話。
  2. If you should be passing, do come and see us.
    要是你路過這兒的話, 就來看我們吧。

I know that it will be difficult to pick him out in such a crowd, but if you __________ happen to see him, give him this packet.
A. would
B. might
C. should
D. could

should 用法 20 (I should like to/ I would like to)

問:I should like to 與I would like to 有什麼區別?

答:在美式英語中will 和would 可用於各種人稱, 因此常常使用I would like to 這個格式。但在英式英語中, 受過教育的人仍然願意使用I should like to 這個格式, 但使用I would like to 的趨勢正在上升。

1.“How about going on a picnic with us tomorrow?”
“________ very much.”
A. I’ll like to
B. I’d like to
C. I’d like
D. I’ll like it
2.“Would you like to stay home tonight?”“No, I _______.”
A. wouldn’t like
B. would
C. wouldn’t like to
D. would like not
3. I should like to hear others’ views. 我願意傾聽別人的意見。

should 用法 21 (demanded that he(should)…)

問:People are demanding that she (leave / should leave) the company.
我已明白上句中的leave 為美式英語用法, should leave 為英式英語用法。但我不知道如果將are demanding 改為demanded, 則句中的leave 或should leave 將如何變化。

答:應當記住: 這種用法的現在假設法或should + 原形動詞沒有時態的變化。當主句的動詞為現在式、過去式或將來式, 它們都不發生變化:

  1. He asked that it be done right now. 他要求立即做這件事。
  2. I suggest that he apply for the job. 我建議他申請這份工作。
  3. I insisted that he should change his clothes. 我堅持要他換衣服。


should 用法 22 (why should)

問:《新概念英語》第4 冊p.8 上有一句話: Why should spiders be our friends? 請問這裡的should 仍是“應當”的意思嗎?

答:這種用在why, who, how 之後的should 主要是用來表達說話人感到驚奇的口氣, 有時不必譯出來, 而絕不可譯為“應當”。

  1. Why should you talk to her like that? 你怎麼能那樣和她談話?
  2. Why should you be so interested in my affair? 你為什麼對我的事如此感興趣?
  3. How should I understand what he has said? 我怎麼會懂得他所說的意思?



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