so 用法1

問:So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves, that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labour. (New Concept English, Book 3, L.46)
請問上面句子的主詞our passion 和動詞is 為什麼要倒裝?


so + 形容詞(或副詞) + (助動詞+ 主詞+ 一般動詞 / be + 主詞)+ that 子句(結果副詞子句)

  1. So absurd was his manner that everyone stared.
    So absurd had been his manner that everyone stared.
    他的舉止非常可笑, 每個人都盯著他。
  2. So vigorously did he protest that the authorities reconsidered his case.
    他的抗議如此強烈有力, 以至於當局重新考慮了他的案件。
  3. So absurd did he look that everyone stared at him.
    他顯得很可笑, 大家都盯著看他。

應當注意, 這種句型只用於正式語體, 而且是極富情感的場合。

  1. _______ at conveying her underlying message through topical plots and contemporary characters that by 1940 her book had sold some three million copies.
    A. So successful, Grace L. Hill
    B. So successful was Grace L. Hill
    C. Grace L. Hill, so successful
    D. Because Grace L. Hill was so successful
  2. So involved with their computers _______ that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.
    A. the children become
    B. become the children
    C. the children do become
    D. do he children become

(參見word order3)

so 用法2

問:So was born the echo-sounding apparatus, now in general use in ships. (New Concept English, Book 4, L.9)

答:在上面的句子裡, 主詞(the echo-sounding apparatus) 是資訊焦點(語意重心), 故放在句尾。這是符合英語的句尾資訊焦點原則的。這種強調主詞的方法, 與中文是很相似的: 這樣, 就產生了回聲探測儀, 在船舶上得到了普遍應用。參見endfocus

so 用法3  (目的? 結果?)

問:在非正式的語體中, so 用法可以引導目的子句, 也可以引導結果子句, 有沒有辦法區分這兩種so 子句呢?

答:正像R.  Quirk 等人所指出的, 結果子句和目的子句無論在從屬連接詞方面或者在意義方面均有交錯現象。結果子句與目的子句的語意區別僅僅在於: 結果子句表達的是事實, 而不是推論。其實兩者都表示結果, 只是在結果子句中結果已經成為現實, 而在目的子句中結果尚未成為現實— 一種希望其實現的結果。從文法形式上看, 目的子句常常需要情態動詞(can, could, may, might, should, would) 。R. Quirk 等人列舉了下列一組句子以示區別:

We paid him immediately, so (that) he left contented.(結果)
We paid him immediately so (that) he would leave contented.(目的)
我們立即給他付了款, 結果他滿意地走了。
我們立即給他付了款, 以便讓他滿意地離去。

Wood 說, 在引出結果子句的so 之前, 應當有個逗號, 而在引出目的子句的so 之前則不需加逗號:

He injured his foot, so he was unable to play in the match.
他的一隻腳受傷了, 所以他未能參加比賽。

但是, 目的副詞子句也常常使用不含情態動詞的陳述語氣來說明達到目的的信心:

He’s going to the lecture early so (that) he’ll get a good seat.
他要早點兒去聽講, 以便得到一個好座位。

反過來說, 結果副詞有時候也使用情態動詞。這樣一來, 目的副詞子句和結果副詞子句就更難以區分了。這說明, 在許多情況下要根據句意和上下文來確定子句的類型。

If someone is limp, they have no strength or energy in their body, so that they can be moved easily.
如果說某人軟弱無力, 那就是說他的身體沒有力氣和精力, 以致很容易被移動。

so 用法4 so/ so that/ that/ in order that

問:A. Leave the door open, so I can hear if anyone comes.
讓門開著, 以便我能聽到是不是有人來。
B. I hired a boat so that I could go fishing.
我租了只船, 以便去釣魚。
C. He died that others might live.
他死了, 為的是讓別人活著。
上面例句中的so, so that, that 和in order that 都是引出目的副詞子句, 它們之間有沒有區別?

答:它們在意義和功能上是沒有區別的。但是在語體上卻是有區別的。使用它們, 是一個“把恰當的詞用到恰當的地方”的問題。so that 常用於正式語體, 尤其是科技語體中:

  1. The teacher must speak clearly so that his students can understand well.教師講話應該清晰, 以便學生能聽懂。
  2. Some supplies of water must be treated so that they can be used. 某些水源必須預先加以處理, 才能使用。

so 用法用於不太正式的語體中, 故在科技語體中比較罕見:

  1. He’s getting a new car so he can impress his mother-in-law.他打算買一輛新車, 想給岳母一個好印象。
  2. I’ll show you so you can see how it’s done. 我會給你看, 讓你看清它是怎麼做成的。

A.S. Hornby 之所以批評Let the dog loose so that I can have a run. 這句話, 是因為它不口語化, 不符合說話的情景。他說, 他對妻子總是說:“Let it loose, so it can have a run”(把狗放開, 讓它跑一跑。)
that 顯得異常地正式, 有的語言學家認為它是古體, 因此用得較罕見:

The jury and witnesses were removed from the court that they might not hear the arguments of the lawyers.
陪審團和證人退出了法庭, 以便不聽到律師們的辯論。

in order that 用於相當正式的語體中, 表示經過精心策劃的目的, 有時可與so that互換:

  1. Let us spend a few moments in silence in order that (so that) we remember those who died to preserve our freedom.讓我們默哀片刻, 以緬懷那些為維護自由而犧牲的人們。
  2. In order that work can be done, in scientific sense, a force must move an object through some distance

從科學意義上講, 為了做功, 力必須推動物體通過一定的距離。

1. I’ll leave him a note ________he’ll know where we are.
A. so that
B. that
C. in order
D. for
2. Helen listened carefully __________ she might discover exactly what John wanted.
A. so as that
B. in case
C. providing
D. in order that

so 用法to/ in order to

問:________ catch the early bus, he got up at five this morning.
A. so that
B. so as to
C. in order to
D. in order that
(《高中英語標準化測試》, 第二冊, p.117)
書上給的答案是C(in order to) 。但我認為B(so as to) 也是正確的。

答:出題者可能認為so as to 只能用於句尾, 而不能用於句首。其實並不是這樣。請看下面的實例:

So as to be head, he spoke through a microphone.
為了使人們能聽到他講話, 他用了麥克風。

so 用法6 so as to/ so…as to

問:請就下面兩道試題分析一下so as to 與so…as to 的區別:

  1. As I approached the gates I switched off the headlamps of the car _______ prevent the beam from swinging in through the window and waking Jack.
    A. so as to
    B. in order
    C. so that
    D. for
  2. if John doesn’t come to work on time, he may be fired.”
    “Surely he isn’t so foolish _______ not to realize that.”
    A. so
    B. and
    C. but
    D. as

答:so as to 總是連在一起, 後面緊跟動詞不定詞, 它在意義上相當於in order to (後者更正式一些) 。它所引導的動詞不定詞總是起目的副詞的作用, 因此, 把so as 省略掉之後, 動詞不定詞的意義常常保持不變。例如:

  1. Students should take notes (so as) to make revision easier.學生應當記筆記, 以便容易複習。
  2. We started early so as to get there before ten. (《高中英語課本》, p.141)我們很早就動身了, 以便10 點前到達那裡。
  3. Then Columbus took the egg and struck its small end gently upon the table so as to break the shell a little. (許國璋《英語》第二冊)哥倫布拿起雞蛋, 把它的小頭輕輕往桌子上一敲, 把蛋殼打碎了一點。

so…as to 結構中, so 用法總是與as to 分開用, 在so 之後可加入形容詞或副詞, as to 所引導的動詞不定詞總是起結果副詞或目的副詞的作用。這一結構在語意上相當於so + 形容詞或副詞+ that 子句。例如:

  1. so odd an idea as to be unbelievable.一個如此古怪以致不能令人相信的想法。
  2. Who could be so mean as to do a thing like that? 是誰這樣卑鄙竟然做出這樣的事情來?
  3. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to build their own record players and radio transmitters. 某些確實熱衷於此道的人甚至自己安裝電唱機或發報機。

so 用法7 so…as to do

問:He was so foolish as o leave his car unlocked.
動詞不定詞在句中作什麼成分。另外, 此種句型中的動詞不定詞是表示將來的未完成的動作嗎?

答:so + 形容詞+ as + 動詞不定詞這一結構中的動詞不定詞是句子的結果副詞。例如:

  1. I’m not so stupid as to put it in writing. 我不至於蠢到會把它寫下來。
  2. so odd an idea as to be unbelievable 一個奇怪得令人難以置信的想法

這裡的動詞不定詞到底是表示已完成的動作, 還是表示現在或將來待完成的動作呢? 這要根據上下文而定。例如你所提問的句子裡的動詞不定詞就是表示已完成的動作:

他那麼愚蠢, 沒有把汽車鎖上就走了。


  1. Would you be so good as to forward my letters. (動詞不定詞表示未完成的動作) 麻煩您把我的信件轉到新地址。
  2. Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? 請問您能告訴我現在是什麼時候嗎?

so 用法8 so did I/ so I did

You asked him to leave, and. _______.
A. so did I
B. so he did
C. so you did
D. so did he
書中給的正確答案為A。我以為B 也是對的。不知你以為然否?

答:就上面孤立的句子而言, A 和B 都是正確的答案。但so do I (so am I) 句型與so I do (so I am) 句型具有完全不同的含義和用法。
在so do I 句型中, 放在句尾的主詞是句子的強調點, 因而它總是句子重音所在之處:

  1. “I’d made up my mind.” “So had I.”
    “我已下了決心。” “我也是。”
  2. “I don’t like opera” “Neither (Nor) do I.
    “我不喜歡歌劇。” “我也不喜歡。”

從結構上說, so 不是代用式, 而是在意義上相當於too 或also 的副詞。“So + 功能詞+ 主詞”結構完全可以轉化為“主詞+ 功能詞+ too”結構。
而在So I do 句型中, 動詞是句子的語意重心, 因而總帶有句子重音。

You asked me to leave, and so I did
你要求我離開, 我這樣做了。


You asked him to leave, and so Did I
你要他離開, 我也要他離開。
You’ve spilled coffee on the table, and so have I.
你把咖啡灑在桌子上了, 我也把咖啡灑在桌子上了。


A: You’ve spilled coffee on your dress. B: Oh, dear, so I have
甲: 你把咖啡灑在你衣服上了。 乙: 啊呀, 我是把咖啡灑在我衣服上了。
A: Father, you promised! B: Well, so I did.
甲: 爸爸, 你答應了的! 乙: 嗯, 我是答應了的。

1.“Jane has certainly been working hard.”“_________”
A. So have her brothers.
B. So her brothers have.
C. Her brothers have too.
D. So have been her brothers.
2.“Did Tom tell you to water the flowers ?”“He did. And ________.”
A. so I did
B. so did
C. so I do
D. so do I

so 用法9 so do I/ I do too

問:They have all got up, and ________.
A. Jack has too
B. so has Jack
C. Jack hasn’t
D. also has Jack
(《英語考試題典》, p.830)
我熟知B(so has Jack) 是正確的答案, 但是, 我不知道選A 是否也是正確的。

答:上面的考題不夠恰當, 因為它會使人認為選A 是不符合英語慣用法的, 而這是不符合英語實際使用情況的。請看下面的實例:

  1. My husband likes cycling, and I do, too. 我丈夫喜歡騎自行車, 我也是。
  2. A: They think he is mad.   B We do too.
    A: 他們認為他瘋了。 B: 我們也這樣認為。
  3. Ann will stay late and so will Barbara.
    Ann will stay late and Barbara will too.

so 用法10 so long as/ as long as

as long as/ so long as

so 用法11

so that 1

問:Someone removed his brushes so that he couldn’t paint. .我無論如何也無法斷定so that 子句到底是目的副詞子句, 還是結果副詞子句。

答:首先應當明確, 目的副詞子句和結果副詞子句有時候確實是很難區分的。因為從語意上說, 目的副詞子句也是表示結果的, 只是希望中的而尚未取得的結果, 當目的一旦實現, 也就變成結果了。從文法形式上說, 兩者都採用相同的連接詞so that, so, that。你不能判定上面句中的so that 子句是目的副詞子句, 還是結果副詞子句, 並不能說明你的英語水準低。因為語言學家們有時也無法判定這一點。這個句子容許有兩種理解:

(a) 有人把他的畫筆拿走了, 以便使他不能作畫。(Someone removed his brushes so that he wouldn’t be able to paint.)
(b) 有人拿走了他的畫筆, 使得他不能作畫了。(Someone removed his brushes so that he wasn’t able to paint.)

與此相似, 下列各句中的so that 子句也是有歧義的:

  1. We turn ed the radio up so that everyone could hear the announcement.
    (a) 我們把收音機的聲音調大了, 以便大家都能聽到這個聲明。
    (b) 我們把收音機的聲音調大了, 結果大家都收聽到了這個聲明。
  2. She burned his last letter, in which he had proposed to her, so that no one could ever discover the truth.
    (a) 她把他向她求婚的最後一封來信給燒了, 以便任何人都不能發現真情。(…so that no one would be able to…)
    (b) 她把他向她求婚的最後一封來信給燒了, 這樣, 誰也不可能發現真情了。(…so that no one was able to…)

so that2

問:The new dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly all through the year. [《高中英語教科書》(必修) 第一冊(下), 人民教育出版社、朗文出版集團有限公司, 1998, p.34]
《課文英漢對照譯注· 高中第一冊(下)》(廣西師大出版社, 98, p.155) 對上句作了如下注釋:

“這句中的‘so that’(口語中that 常省略) 意為‘以便’、‘為了’。例如:
Finish this so that you can start another.
把這事做完, 好開始另一件。”

請問課本中的so that 到底是作“以便”、“ 為了”解, 還是作“結果”解?

答:課本中的so that 所引導的是結果副詞子句, 而《課文英漢對照譯法》所舉的證明例句中的so that 所引導的卻是目的副詞子句:《譯注》的編著者們顯然是把兩種句型混為一談了。關於如何區分so that 所引導的目的副詞子句和結果副詞子句, 請見so that1 。

so 用法12 so…as/ as…as

not so…as/ not as…as

so 用法13 so…that/ so…/ that

問:He was so young that you must excuse him.
像這種由關聯詞so…that 引導的結果副詞子句的句型, 我是很熟悉的。但是, 我不知道so…that 是否可單用s o 或單用that 來代替。請指教。

答:在非正式語體中, so…that 中的that 可以省略:

  1. I am so busy over Folklore I have no time to write a letter. 我忙於寫民間傳說, 以至於沒有時間寫信。
  2. They were all so tired they could do nothing but yawn. 他們都累得只會打呵欠了。
  3. Her parents gave her so many toys she couldn’t possibly play with them all. 她父母給了她那麼多玩具, 以至於她都玩不過來了。
  4. He polished the floor so hard you could see your face in it. 他擦地板擦得都能讓你在地板上照見你的臉了。

在疑問句和否定句中, 可以單獨使用that 來代替so…that 。但這是很正式的語體:

  1. Do you know her intimately, that you presume to address her in such a casual manner? 你和她說話時態度這麼隨便, 你是不是和她很熟?
  2. They are not destitute that they need your help. 他們並沒有貧窮到需要你説明的地步。
  3. What has happened that all of them look so excited? 到底發生了什麼事使他們都顯得那麼激動?

so 用法14 in so far as


so 用法15 so to speak




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