from 用法1(from here)

問:根據我的理解, 介係詞的受詞應該是名詞(包括動名詞) 或代名詞。像from here, near there, from a broad 這樣的結構, 該如何解釋呢? 是把here, there, abroad 等看成副詞, 還是看成名詞呢?

答:現代語言學家們大都把here, there, abroad 等仍看成是副詞, 而把from here (abroad) 結構解釋為副詞作介係詞的受詞。

  1. There’s a fine view from here. 從這裡看風景很美。
  2. I live near there. 我住在這兒附近。
  3. He could mail the letter from there. 他可以從那裡寄信。
  4. They’ve just returned from abroad. 他剛剛從國外歸來。
  5. Then I heard them calling me from below. 然後, 我聽到他們從下面叫我。


from 用法2 (from under(behind, among))

prepositional phrase as prepositional complement

from 用法3 (It follows from…(that))


from 用法4 (From Boston to New York is two hundred miles)

問:(a) It’s two hundred miles from Boston to New York.
(b) From Boston to New York is two hundred miles.
請問句(b) 是否是正確的英語? 介係詞片語能充當主詞嗎?

答:句(b) 是正確的表達方法。這就是說, 介係詞片語也被承認有權充當句子的主詞。

  1. To Beijing is not very far. 到北京不很遠。
  2. From racing to politics was a short trip 從賽馬到政治, 只是一步之隔。
  3. From here to Philadephia is only a hundred miles. 從這裡到費城只有100 英里。

from 用法5 (from place to place)




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