here 用法1 (near/in here)

問:(1) I work in a middle school near here. [《初中英語教科書》第一冊(下), 人民教育出版社、朗文出版集團有限公司, 1995, p.107]
(2) Why are you in here? [《高中英語教科書》(必修) 第二冊(下), 人民教育出版社、朗文出版集團有限公司, 1997, p.37]
(3) Once you’re in here, listen to your teacher. [同上, 第一冊(上) p.5]
我認為句中的here 是個名詞, 而且我對學生一直是這麼講的。而在《英語常見問題解答大詞典》(1998, p.33 和p.454) 中卻說here 是個副詞, 這使我感到有點兒困惑。

答:很多英漢詞典, 大都把in(near, from) here 中的here 看作是名詞, 如《新英漢詞典》、《最新高級英漢詞典》、《英漢大詞典》等都是這麼處理的。但是, 這種處理方法雖然容易被學生接受, 但是有一個很大的缺點: 必須把大量沒有名詞文法特點的副詞和形容詞, 如(from) here, (over) there, (at) once, (since) when, (in) brief, (by) far 等等視作名詞, 這顯然是違背詞的分類原則的, (它們沒有複數形式, 沒有所有格形式等等), 因此, 許多英美出版的英英詞典和英語文法著作把上面的詞仍看作是副詞或形容詞, 並明確提出, 副詞和形容詞可以作介係詞的受詞。例如, NODE(1998) 對here 用法和there 是這麼注釋的。

here –> adverb...[after prep] I’m getting out of here.
there –> adverb…[after prep] I’m not going in there – it’s freezing.

薄冰教授主編的《高級英語文法》(p.601) 也明確提出“有些表示地點、時間的副詞可以作介係詞的受詞, 如here 和there…”

From here, in there, over there, at once, until now, since when, before long, by far, from abroad, from below

  1. Get out of here. 滾出去!
  2. Come over here! 到這邊來!
  3. Do you live near here? 你住在附近嗎?
  4. How far is the town from here? 該城離這裡有多遠?
  5. Why did you bring that dog in here? 你為什麼把那條狗帶到這裡來了?

here 用法2 (here comes)

there goes

here 用法3 (Here it is / Here they are!)

問:1. A: Has anyone seen my pen?
B: Here it is! (Here you are!)
2. A: Where are my slippers?
B: Here they are! (Here you are!)
從上面句子是否可以得出結論說: 凡是可以使用Here you are 的地方, 都可以換用Here it is! 或Here they are!

答:不能得出這樣有關here 用法的結論。當使用Here it is 或Here they are 時, it 或they 都是明確地指問句中所提到的事物, 例如句(1) 中的it 是指your pen, 句(2) 中的they 是指your slippers。下面的例句不屬於此類情況, 因而不能改用Here it is 或Here they are!

  1. A: I have left my camera at home.
    B: Here you are! Use mine.
    A: 我把照相機忘在家裡了。
    B: 給你, 用我的吧。
  2. A: I forgot to buy cigarettes.
    B: Here you are!
    A. 我忘買香煙了。
    B. 先抽我的吧!

Would you please bring me a cup of coffee?
A. Give it to you
B. Here you are
C. Here it is
D. It’s here

here 用法4 (Here you are!)

問:在下列句子裡Here you are 是什麼意思?
A. Has anyone seen my pen? B. Here you are!
A. I forgot to buy cigarettes. B. Here you are!

答:在上列句子裡, Here you are 是一種慣用法。它的意思是:“給你”、“ 這就是你要的東西”、“這就是你找的東西(= This is for you, Here is what you need. want, ask for) ”。

(參見here 用法3: Here it is)



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