問:許多辭典都指出there is no V-ing 句型只能作情態解釋:“不可能…”、“無法…”、“禁止”。是否總是如此呢?

答:在大多數情況下, there is no V-ing 句型應做情態解釋。例如:

  1. There is no knowing what she will say. 無法知道她會說些什麼。
  2. There is no denying the fact. 這個事實是不能否認的。
  3. There is no arguing with my father. 絕不能同我父親爭論。
  4. He’s such a strange person: there is no knowing what he’ll do next. 他是個很奇怪的人: 無法知道他下一步會做什麼。

但是, 在某些情況下, 這種句型亦可作非情態解釋:

  1. There was no shooting of prisoners. 沒有人射擊囚犯。(No one shot prisoners.)
  2. He used to play croquet all August, when there was no hunting, no shooting.  他過去經常在整個8 月份玩門球, 那時既不打獵, 也不射擊。
  3. There were no dancing that evening. 那天晚上沒有人跳舞。

因此, 正像CGEL 所解釋的, 有時候這種句型可做兩種解釋:

  1. There was no smoking in the corridors.
    (A) 走廊裡不許吸煙。(Smoking was not allowed in the corridors.)
    (B) 走廊裡沒有人吸煙。(No one smoked in the corridors)
  2. At the party there was no spilling of the beans.(A)..nobody was allowed to spill the beans. ⋯ ⋯誰也不許走漏風聲。
    (B)..nobody spilt the beans. ⋯ ⋯沒有人走漏風聲。




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