as…as 用法 1

問:John is as polite as Bob(is).
John behaves as politely as Bob(does).
這是CGEL(§7. 86) 給出的例句。請問重複子句中的動詞(is, does) 與省略子句中的動詞有什麼區別?

答:根據Hornby 的解釋, 如果重複子句中的動詞, 就能使子句的意義得到強調; 如果省略子句中的動詞, 就能使主句的意義得到強調。He is as strong as a horse.是強調他的力氣, 而不是強調馬的力氣。類似的例子:

  1. Anna is not as tall as John. 安娜不像約翰那麼高。
  2. She is as deaf as a post. 她完全聾了。
  3. She’s as hard as nails. 她身體很結實(或: 她冷酷無情) 。
  4. She’s not so/as nice as her sister. 她不像她姐姐那麼好。

as…as 用法 2

問:In 1833 Dickens had a number of papers published under the title Sketches by Boz, but it was in 1836 that he rose to fame as suddenly and as unmistakably as Scott had done.
[原譯] 1833 年, 狄更斯有許多文章是以《博茲特寫》為題發表的。他像司各脫一樣, 突然地、清楚無誤地一舉成名都是在1836 年。(中譯本)
Dickens 和Scott 都是在1836 年出名的嗎?

答:從歷史上來看, Scott 死於1832 年, 因此, Dickens 不可能跟Scott 一樣都是在1836年出名, 從文法上說, 分詞片語in 1836 僅僅是rose to fame 的時間副詞, 而不是(Scott) had done 的時間副詞。Dickens 出名跟Scott 出名的相似之處在於suddenly and unmistakably, 而不在於in 1836 。
[試譯] 1833 年狄更斯以《博茲特寫》為題發表了許多文章。但他在文壇成名卻是在1836 年。他跟司各脫一樣, 都是一舉成名的。

as…as 用法 3 (as…as / so…as)

問:Biographers are usually detailed accounts of a person’s life and may fill so many as two or more volumes (TOEFL, 90. 9)
我認為as…as 與so…as 是可以通用的。為什麼選擇D (so many as) 是錯誤的呢?

答:在現代英語裡, 當句子為否定句時, asas 和so…as 一般是可以互換的。例如:

He’s not as naughty as he was
He’s not so naughty as he was

但是在肯定句裡, 人們還是用as…as 來表示形容詞和副詞的同級比較。因此, 上道試題的D 項應改為: as many as [表達“言其多”的口氣, 見as much(many) + 數詞] 。請看下面的實例:

  1. Anna is as all as Bill. 安娜和比爾一樣高。
  2. John is as polite as Bob. 約翰和鮑勃一樣有禮貌。

(參見not asas/ not so…as)

as…as 用法 4 (as…as…can be)

問:“Can he buy the car?”
“He is as poor as poor be.”
A. may
B. man
C. people
D. can
答案為D(can) 。但as poor as poor can be 是什麼意思呢?

答:asascan(could) be 是一個強調形容詞含義的格式, 一般可譯為“到了最⋯ ⋯的程度”、“極其”。請看下面的實例:

I’m as happy as can be

as…as 5 (n times as…as)

問:下面譯文均選自正式出版物, 我懷疑譯文的正確性。
(1) This airplane flies two times as fast as that one.(《翻譯通訊》, 1982 年第2 期)
[原譯] 這架飛機的飛行速度比那一架快兩倍。
(2) He has five times as many books as you.
[原譯] 他擁有比你多五倍的書。(《學生活用詞典》)
(3) He is twice as strong as he was.
[原譯] 他比從前強兩倍了。(《英華大辭典》)

答:中國内地有的英語學者認為, 在“倍數+ as + 形容詞或副詞原級+ as 的句型中, 翻譯時包括基數在內, 把英語句中的倍數照譯不減。” 我們認為, 這種說法和譯法是不符合現代英語的實際情況的。在現代英語裡,“A is n times as large as B”的意思是“A 的大小是B 的n 倍”或“A 比B 大n – 1 倍”。因此, 第一個例句應當譯為“這架飛機的飛行速度是那架飛機的兩倍。”或“ 這架飛機的飛行速度比那架快一倍。”讓我們從英文原著中援引幾個倍數可以驗算的例證:

  1. The data in Table 2, taken with exactly the same arrangement as before but with the force doubled, shows that the velocity increases twice as fast as before instead of Δv/ Δt = 14cm/ sec2 we obtain Δv/ Δt = 28 cm/ sec2. 用與前次實驗完全相同的裝置但用二倍的力, 我們得出了表2 中的資料, 它們表明速度的增快是前次的二倍。我們得到Δv/ Δt = 28 釐米/ 秒2, 而不是Δv/ Δt = 14 釐米/ 秒2 。
  2. Moreover, if we make the fore three times as large by putting three identical loops side by side, we triple the acceleration. 此外, 如果我們用三個並排的同樣的環, 使力增大到三倍, 加速度也會增大到三倍。


  1. They want at least to double their salaries. (=’twice as much as they now earn’) 他們要求把他們的工資增加一倍。
  2. I wish I had twice his strength. (= I wish I was twice as strong as he). 我真希望我的力氣比他的大一倍。

另見as well as 用法



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