compare 用法 1 (compare…with/ compare…to)

問:下面是《朗文常用英語正誤詞典》(朗文出版公司、上海譯文出版社聯合出版, p. 65)所列出的正誤句:
“【錯】The teachers will be able to visit our schools and compare our teaching methods to their own.
【對】The teachers will be able to visit our schools and compare our teaching methods with their own.”
我認為compare with 與compare to 是可以通用的。下面的例句可以證明這一點:

  1. Compared with (to) him I am a bungler.
    與他相比, 我是一個工作笨拙的人。
  2. London is large, compared to (with) Paris.
    與巴黎相比, 倫敦很大。

不知我對compare 用法的看法是否正確?

答:我們在compared with / to 條目中論述了獨立使用的compared with 與compared to 是可以通用的, 但是我們並沒有講compare…with 與compare…to 是完全可以通用的。
因為這兩個結構在意義和用法上還是有一些區別的。當表達“把⋯ ⋯ 比作⋯ ⋯”這個意思的時候, 用compare… to, 當表達“將⋯⋯ 與⋯ ⋯ 作比較”這個意思的時候, 用compare…with 。

  1. Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.
  2. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
  3. The police compared the fingerprints on the gun with these on the door.
  4. We can start by comparing the work of the historian with the work of the politician.

對於初學者學習compare 用法來説, 掌握了compare…with 和compare…to 的這一區別, 就足夠了。對於英語研究者還應知道, 在較少的情況下, 人們有時也使用compare… to 來表達“將⋯⋯同⋯⋯ 作比較”的意思。例如:

  1. My elder brother, Steve, gets straight A’s. I am an average student – mostly B’s. My father always compares me to him and says,“If Steve can make A’s why can’t you?”
    我哥哥史蒂夫, 一直得“優”, 而我是個一般水準的學生, 通常是“良”。我父親總是把我和他作比較。他說:“既然史蒂夫能得‘優’, 你為什麼就不能呢?”
  2. The work was hard and dangerous and the hours were long, but they pay was good compared to the wages in the old country.
    這項工作很艱苦, 很危險, 而且時間也很長, 但是與這個國家過去的工資相比較, 它的報酬還是很可觀的。

此外, 還應懂得, 在cannot compare 這一特殊結構中compare with 與compare to 是沒有區別的:

  1. Social life in a village cannot compare to that of a large city.
  2. Social life in a village cannot compare with that of a large city.
  3. The south of England is certainly beautiful, but it can’t compare with the south of France for sunshine.
    英格蘭南部誠然是美麗的, 但是就充足的陽光而言, 它與法國南部是無法相比的。
  4. The south of England is certainly beautiful, but it can’t compare to the south of France for sunshine.
    英格蘭南部誠然是美麗的, 但是就充足的陽光而言, 它與法國南部是無法相比的。

compare 用法 2 (compared with / to)

問:下面是《當代大學英語實用文法》(練習冊) (p. 55) 上的一道選擇題:
All metals are fairly hard _______ nonmetals.
A. compare to
B. comparing with
C. compared with
D. to compare to
書中給的正確答案為C (compared with) 。但是我在Essential English Dictionary 中卻讀到這樣一個句子:

Breast milk always looks thin, compared to cow’s milk.
與牛奶相比, 人奶看上去總是比較稀。

這是怎麼回事呢? 是不是該詞典所給的有關compare 用法例句有錯誤?

答:EED 所給的例句並沒有錯誤。在現代英語裡compared with 與compared to 都可作“與⋯ ⋯相比”解。關於這一點, 許多英語詞典都作了說明, 並給出了許多例句:

  1. Compared with (to) him, I am a bungler.
    與他相比, 我是一個工作笨拙的人。
  2. Compared to many people, she was indeed very fortunate.



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