


This is ___ easy job.

正確的! 錯了!


Some school don't have ___ uniform.

正確的! 錯了!

不是所a、e、i、o、u開始的名詞都是以母音發音的。”Uniform“的讀音以”you“開始發音,所以”a uniform“才是正確。

She was looking for ___ MTR station.

正確的! 錯了!

與英文發音有關,MTR是簡寫,發音是”em“開始,所以是”an MTR station“。

My brother is ____ doctor at Prince of Wales Hospital.

正確的! 錯了!

“the”有“只有一個”的含義”a doctor“表示其中一個醫生。

I usually go to _______ at 10 o'clock.

正確的! 錯了!

這個並沒有什麽英文結構的説法。”go to bed“是常用英語説法。

We had _________ and started work.

正確的! 錯了!

breakfast、lunch、dinner我們一般都不會加入冠詞,除非你加入形容詞,例如:a hot breakfast、a good lunch。

After ________, we'll go to Italy.

正確的! 錯了!

“Christmas”一般都不會加冠詞(即a、an、the)。但如果你有加另一個名詞來一起使用的話,你就要加”the“,例如: After the Christmas break, we'll go to Italy.

___________ widely used these days.

正確的! 錯了!


Let's have ________ at seven.

正確的! 錯了!


It costs _______ dollars.

正確的! 錯了!

幾百元是“a hundred” dollars。

We went shopping, had ________, then saw a film.

正確的! 錯了!


I travel to school on ______.

正確的! 錯了!

“MTR”一般都要加冠詞“the”,因為這是“the Mass Transit Railway”的簡寫。但不要與使用“by”時混亂,如使用“by”表示乘搭交通工具時,後面不需要冠詞的,例如:by bus,by tram,by plane以及by MTR。

We really enjoy the beauties of ________

正確的! 錯了!


The live in ___________ now.

正確的! 錯了!

“New Territories”是複數,而且一定要有冠詞“the”。其他地方也是同一原理,例如:the United States、the Philippines。但當我們用來修飾另一名詞時,就無須加“the”,例如:That bank doesn't have enough New Territories branches.

She has ____ own car.

正確的! 錯了!

形容詞”own“不可以在冠詞後使用,並一定要有格代名詞,例如:”her own“、”Mary‘s own“。另外,”own“也可以是動詞,例如:She owns a small car.

Which one is correct?

正確的! 錯了!

留意到“Ocean Park”和“Central District”是沒有冠詞嗎?任何公園、廣場、樂園都不需加入冠詞(有一例外:The Botanical Gardens)。城市或地區亦無需加冠詞(香港山頂the Peak例外)。

You're not doing this in __ right way.

正確的! 錯了!


I want to do something that will benefit ________.

正確的! 錯了!

“society”一般都不需加入冠詞“the”,除非你要指定某個society或要形容某個society,例如:The society we live in is very different from 100 years ago.

I got on __ wrong bus and was late for school.

正確的! 錯了!


Which one is correct? (can be more than one)

請選擇 2 個正確答案

正確的! 錯了!

“all” 後要用複數,所以是“riding bikes”。“each”指“每一個”,所以是單數。第一句“all the boys were riding a bike”在英文文法上是沒有錯的,但未必能反映現實情況。

I couldn't find what i wanted in the supermarket, so I went to _________ shop.

正確的! 錯了!


She crossed to _________ side of the road.

正確的! 錯了!


Almost ______ family has television now.

正確的! 錯了!


The prices are low for ______ goods.

正確的! 錯了!


There were ______ people in the market so the hawkers took a rest.

正確的! 錯了!

“few”和“a few”都是解為“數位”/“數個”,但“few”是用於比較負面的情況、而“a few”用於比較正面的情況。例句:We have had few customers all day.和There are a few customers waiting to be served.。

Which one is correct?

正確的! 錯了!

你可以說“more and more”和“lots and lots of”,但“many and many”就不適用於這句式。

______ friends came to see her off at the airport.

正確的! 錯了!

“many of”不可以用於general noun,只可以用於制定群組,如“her friends”,例句:Many of her friends came to see her off at the airport.

Most of people are very kinds. This sentense is correct?

正確的! 錯了!

正確句子是:Most people are very kind.。“most people”沒有指定什麽類別的人。“most of”只能用於制定群組,例如:Most of the people I know are very kind.

It was ______ long time before he arrived.

正確的! 錯了!

That is _______ difficult problem.

正確的! 錯了!



2 thoughts on “【英文練習題】3.3-限定詞(determiners)的運用

  1. Which one is correct?
    1.Many and many people go to the mainland for Chinese New Year.
    2.Many people go to the mainland for Chinese New Year.
    你的答案選錯誤,但既然1是錯誤,選1 怎麼會錯誤。

    1. 選擇1的句式是錯誤的,所以如果你選1的話,網頁會顯示選擇不正確的。


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