假期英文説法1(holiday, vacation, leave的區別):

問:holiday, vacation與 leave都是假期英文。它們之間有無區别?


  1. We have a holiday every Sunday.我們每星期日休息一天。
  2. Did he have a holiday on Saturday afternoons? 他星期六下午休息了嗎?

長的假期英文常用複數形式 holidays,但也可用單數形式 holiday

  1. When do the summer holidays begin? 暑假什度時候開始?
  2. But she went to France for a holiday. 但是她去法國度假了。
  3. I shall be getting a whole month’s holiday. 我將有整整一個月的假期


  1. Where are you going for your vacation? 你到哪裡去度假?
  2. The college is closed during (the) vacation. 學院假期不開放。

在英式英語裡,英國大學和律師業也使用 vacation這個詞作為假期英文。例如,英國大學常用“the long vac”來表示暑假。


  1. The soldiers are given two leaves each year. 士兵們一年可放兩次假期。
  2. Will you be taking your leave in South Africa? 你會在南非度假嗎?

1. I’m going away for a ________.
A. holiday of a week
B. week holiday
C. holiday week
D. weeks holiday

2. “How about them?” “Bill and Betty travelled a long distance ________ their vacation.”
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. about

假期英文説法2(on holidays/on holidays):

問:M. Swan在Basic English Usage一書中:“在on holiday道片語裏,holiday總是用單數。I met her on holiday in Norway.”但是,下列試題卻要求使用 on holidays:
It’s no use ringing me at the office this week because I’m _______.
A. by my leave
B. at leave
C. in holidays
D. on holidays (Nelson, 400B)

答:按照英語用法, holiday作“假日”解時,用單数或用複數都是正確的假期英文,而且意思相同。不能認上句中的 on holidays是指多次度假。請注意,在種用法下,holiday(s)一般不帶冠詞,但其形容詞可用所有格:

on my holiday/on my holidays

根據我們手頭的資料,英語原著中使用 on holidays的實例較少,而使用 on holiday的實例較多:

  1. Mr. Smith is on holiday at present. 史密斯先生目前正在度假。
  2. They went on holiday last week. 他們上周去度假。

假期英文説法3(on holiday(s)/in the holiday(s)):

問:It’s no use ringing me at the office this week because I’m ________.
A. by my leave
B. at leave
C in holidays
D. on holidays
上道題的答案為D(on holidays),難道不能選C(in holidays)嗎?

答:按照英語慣用法,當 holiday作“假日”解時,一般使用介係詞on,並且不用冠詞,例句見上題用法2。當 holiday作“假期”解時,一般使用介係詞in,並且帶定冠詞the:

in the summer holiday/in my winter holiday

在上道試題中,holiday作“假日”解,並且無冠詞,故 on holiday(s)的用法是正確的假期英文。



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