indirect speech 用法和例句1:

問:He said he lives in New York. 句中的lives 是否必須改為lived ?

答:根據英語時態呼應有關indirect speech的原則,當主要子句述語動詞使用過去時態時,某些子句的動詞的時態要作相應的調整,即一般現在時改為一般過去式,一般將來式改為過去將來式,等等。例如:

She said,“Mr X will be back tomorrow.”
She told me (that) Mr X would be back the next (or the following) day.

但是,當人們聽到後一個句子的時候,既無法知道Mr X 到底是回來了,還是將回來,也無法知道the next day 是指過去的某一天,還是指即將到來的一天(明天) 。可以看出,這種時態呼應的原則使得交際與現實環境完全脫離了聯繫。這對於表達思想是很不精確的。這不能不說是時態呼應原則的一個缺點。因此,現代英語已趨於擺脫這種束縛,表現它的靈活性:為了強調子句所表達的動作或狀態與說話時的實際環境的聯繫,或者強調所轉述的內容確實是事實時,人們常常獨立地使用子句動詞的時態,而不受主句動詞時態的影響。例如:

1. I told you (that) the road is closed / the bridge has collapsed / no one can cross it.
I told you (that) the road is closed. 的意思是 The road is closed, I told you that before. (即說話的時候道路仍不許通行)

2. He said (that) this road leads to Rome. (The road still leads to Rome.)

3. Werner said he is going home tonight.

4. She told me she’s getting married next June. (And I believe her.) 有人說, 這種不符合時態呼應原則的句子僅能用於口語中,是標準書面英語所不能接受的。事實並非如此。例如,以考核學生運用標準書面英語能力為己任的TOEFL等,就常常採用這種用法:

5.“Professor Datilla just announced that he will give us a test this afternoon.”“that’s not fair. How much time will there be for us to study?”

6. It was told yesterday that the company ________me there next week for a business conference.
A. shall have sent
B. are going to send (答案)
C. shall be sending
D. shall send

indirect speech 用法和例句2:

問: (A) Socrates said that nothing can harm a good man.
(B) She told me she’s getting married next June.

答: 上面兩個句子裡間接引語使用現在時態的原因雖然基本上是相同的,但也存在一些細微的差別。在句(A) 中,說話人在間接引語中不使用過去式(could),而使用現在式,意在表明,蘇格拉底說的話, 直到現在仍是有效的、正確的。而在句(B) 中說話人在間接引語中不使用過去進行式(was getting) 而使用現在進行式,是想表明“我確信她告訴我的話是事實”。如用過去進行式,則在於強調“她告訴過……”至於她的話是不是事實,我就不敢肯定了。如果認為間接引語中引出的觀點是錯誤的,就必須使用過去式。
請比較下列有關indirect speech例句中的時態及其不同含義:

  1. Their teacher had told them that the earth moves around the sun. 他們的老師告訴他們,地球圍繞太陽旋轉。
  2. Sam told me last night that he is now an American citizen. 昨夜薩姆告訴我,他現在是美國公民。
  3. I heard her say that she is studying Business Administration. 我聽她說,她正在學商業管理。
  4. Ali told me that you are going on board this afternoon. 阿裡告訴我你今天下午就要上船(上飛機) 了。
  5. She said that persistence (can / could) overcome all obstacles. 她說毅力能夠克服一切障礙。
  6. The ancients thought that the sun moved around the earth, but from the time of Galieo it was known that the reverse is true. 古代人認為,太陽是圍繞地球旋轉的,但是,從伽利略時代起人們就知道實際情形正好相反。

(參見sequence of tenses)

indirect speech 用法和例句3:

問: She told me the game started at seven.

答: 從上面的indirect speech句子無法看出比賽已經開始還是尚未開始。在間接引語裡使用過去式,在沒有上下文的情況下,常常是有歧義的。上面的句子既可以理解為在說話的時刻“比賽已經開始了”,也可以理解為“ 比賽尚未開始”。類似的例子:

He told me (that) the road was closed. (不知說話的時刻道路是否可通車)



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