moment 用法1(the moment)

問:The baby starts crying ________ he sees his mother.
A. which
B. as early as
C. the moment
D. soon
請說明the moment 的文法作用。

答:the moment 用法除用作名詞(at the moment 此刻, for the moment 暫時) 之外, 還可用作連接詞, 引出時間副詞子句(如上面試題中的the moment) :

  1. The moment I saw him I knew that there was no hope.
    我一看到他(我) 就知道沒有希望了。
  2. He felt a thrill the moment he got into the theater.
    他進入劇院時(他) 感到一陣激動。
  3. The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise.
    你一出帳篷, 便會大吃一驚。

此外, the instant, the minute 和the second 也可以這樣使用:

  1. The instant I saw him I knew he was my brother.
  2. We’ll leave the minute you’re ready.

moment 用法 2 (at the moment/for the moment)

問:________ my car is being made ready for a long journey.
A. In the moment
B. At the moment
C. For the moment
D. By the moment
為什麼在上列句子裡只能選B(At the moment), 而不能選C(For the moment)?

答:at the moment 用法是指“此刻”(與現在式連用時) (at the present time) 或“那時”、“當時”(與過去式連用時) (at that time) :

  1. I’m afraid I’m too busy at the moment to see anyone.
    很遺憾, 我此刻太忙, 不能見任何人。
  2. He wondered idly where his brother-in-law was going at the moment.

for the moment 最常見的意義是:“暫時”,“暫且”:

  1. The Allied leaders surrendered for the moment in the face of this threat.
    在這種威脅面前, 協約國諸領導人暫時屈服了。
  2. We can leave it open for the moment.
  3. You may use her typewriter for the moment.

for the moment 也可以作“現在”、“此刻”、“眼下”解, 這一點被上面研考英語試題的出題者們所忽略了:

  1. For the moment let us describe the minor members that we are sure belong to the Local Group.
    現在, 我們來介紹一下明確屬於本星系群的幾個較小的成員星系。
  2. I have nothing to do for (at) the moment. (The Universal Dictionary of the English Language)
  3. I don’t want to discuss this for the moment. (Essential English Dictionary)
  4. What can we do for the moment.目前我們能做些什麼呢? (《英漢大辭典》)
  5. The truck was running so fast that for the moment it looked as if it was going to overtake the motorcycle way ahead.
    卡車開得飛快, 當時看上去好像要超過遠在前頭的那輛摩托車似的。

上面的例句足可證明, 在上面的試題中, 選C(For the moment) 也同樣是正確的。



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