reply 用法1:

問:He replied me that it was out of the question. 他回答我說,那是不可能的。

答:上面的英語句子是錯誤的。因為英語裡不說 reply sb. that,而說 reply to sb., that或reply that。例如:

  1. He replied that no one would go. 他回答說誰也不去。
  2. I replied to her that I would accept her invitation. 我回答她說我將接受她的邀請。

reply 用法2(reply/reply to):

問:I asked him more than ten questions, but he did not reply a single one.
這是一道改錯題。標準答案規定將reply改 reply to。但是,我查英漢詞典,reply也可用作及物動詞,作“回答”、“答覆”解。既然如此,為什麽在上面的試題裡一定要把reply改為reply to呢?

答:及物動詞 reply意為“回答說”,一般接that子句、直接引句,或者用在不定代名之後作修飾語。如果接名詞,則是指“回答出來的話”、“回答出來的內容”。它不能表示“對……作回答”、“答覆某人”、“回……信”等,因此不能說,reply me, reply my letter, reply my question等等。請看下面的例句:

  1. He replied that no one would go. 他回答說誰也不去。
  2. Did you have a nice journey?’ ‘Yes,’Jenny replied, ‘nice and quick.’“你旅行很愉快嗎?” “是的,”珍妮回答說,“又愉快,又迅速”
  3. She had nothing to reply. 她沒有話來回答的。
  4. He did not know what to reply. 他不知道該作什麼樣的回答。(比較 He did not know what to reply to. 他不知道該對什麽事情作回答。)
  5. Not a syllable did he reply. 他一個字也沒有回答。

當表示“回信”、“對……作出回答”時,則必須使用 reply to + 受詞:

  1. He gave me no chance to reply to his question. 他沒有給我機會來回答他的間題。
  2. She replied to me in a very rude manner. 她以一種非常無禮的方式答覆我。
  3. None of the letters have been replied to. 所有的來信連一封也沒有回。
  4. For a moment Arthur was at a loss how to reply to it. 有片刻亞瑟不知道如何回答這個問題。


2 thoughts on “reply 用法:為何不能說“he replied me”?

  1. 發現了一個小問題~
    答復 X
    答覆 O


    1. 謝謝提示,有關「覆」字已改正。另外同意採用「」會方便閱讀,但不知道何故本網站有時在文章内使用「」時會有亂碼情況出現…


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